WIP Balance Changes for April 2023 (Season 46)

Reducing the furnace spawn speed is going to make the card even more annoying to play against.
I feel like it would be better to increase its death spawn to 2 (from 1) instead, or something similar so it gets more defensive value.
Also, archers nerf is overcomplicating the card, just decrease the hit time to 1s.


Mega minion needs to deal more damage, not to have a higher hit speed, increasing itā€™s attack speed will make it too similar to the phoenix

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bruh now phoenix can be killed with a zapšŸ’€
We need a wizard buff

2 things:

  1. Just nerf archerā€™s hit speed by 0.1sec. Simple as that.

  2. Mega minion buff is way too big. Remember, he wasnā€™t bad, he was outshined. Buff his hit speed by 0.2sec at least.

The actual problem is that horseshit update, please, for the love of god, fix it. All of the playerbase is leaving your game, just please fix your update.

P.S: buff pekka, sheā€™s just bad.

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Mega Minion buff is far too big, he will be broken. Change the buff to 0.1s and heā€™ll be in a good state

Archers need a nerf to their hit speed. Nerf their hit speed to 1.0s, and then maybe nerf first hit speed by 0.1 or 0.2s instead

Tornado needs a nerf more than GK does

Other changes look okay, although I donā€™t think the Phoenix nerf will change much

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As a golden knight player Iā€™m tempted to protest against the nerf, but I agree that itā€™s justified, however since GK is best effective for getting rid of those long Swarmy rushes, could you compensate are it with a small hp buff? Nothing much, maybe 2-3%, just so it can become a better tank killer if itā€™s main ability is nerfed.

I really like the miner nerf. It hasnā€™t been nerfed since Iā€™ve r been playing and it can be really annoying, especially in this cycle meta. Thumbs up SC!

Archers, honestly I donā€™t find this card too annoying, but they did force me to add arrows to my deck so I canā€™t say Iā€™m immune to themā€¦ definitely needed, I recommend instead of nerfing first hit speed, make it so it attacks every 1 sec instead of .9.

Phoenix, why. SC keeps nerfing her and itā€™s getting annoying, Phoenix is a card that will always be relevant because of how it was designed, just leave her alone, how about nerfing the hit points of Electro Giant or RG instead of a support troop.

Furnace rework is too much. SC is starting to make a swarmy defense meta and itā€™s getting on my nerves. I say keep furnace as it is or increase how long it survives.

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My Opinion on the balance changes
1-rascals rework is decent but im sure it would only be used in log bait
2-furnace rework is ok as long it dosent get a hp buff im fine with it
3-mega minion buff is insane i hope the team keeps the 0.3 change now its an alternative to Phoenix and now hits the damn target rather then looking at it
4-spear goblins buff isnt gonna be that big it would only buff Goblin Hut, Goblin Gang, and Goblin Giant maybe buff the deploy time from 1 sec to 0.3 sec or make it 4? like the regular goblins now?
5-i kinda understand why supercell nerf archers first hit rather then their hit speed they basically dont want the card to be dead (making archers hit speed 1.0 isnt likely going to happen)
6-miner nerf is nonsense yeah it had high stats but ask yourself why? simple poison and wall breakers are just good support cards for him and dont forget marcher and nado combo and the bomb tower which is so defensive for miner decks so yeah nerf poison or WB
7-golden knight nerf is a joke its the reason why egiant is meta i want this card to be dead either nerf the dash to 5 or nerf its hitspeed to 1.1
and here is some cards i wanted to be changed
1-buffing dart goblin damage so it can one shot spear gobs
2-battle healer rework so it can be used in other decks
3-bats buff in hitspeed (minions are way better as they are zap proof)
4-baby dragon buff in hp
5-skarmy buff aka add 1 dot

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first cards dont have a personality if you think they do go visit a therapist
second its hitspeed buff would make it like where it released in 2016

Rascals - are almost a forgotten card. Itā€™s hard to say how much spacing out cards can achieve. Alone it was not enough to make Goblins and Minion Horde viable. The distance between the boy and the girls is so great that the girls will start to engage substantially later, potentially undoing the first hit-speed buff. Itā€™s an intriguing buff. I like it.

Furnace - I find it hard to believe the rework will achieve much. It will be harder to deny Spirit Value when pushing into it. But thatā€™s if the Spirit could get value to begin with. It may only make the card better when it has a matchup advantage.

Mega Minion - the degree of the buff is senseless. Phoenix is too strong, and Mega Minion may be weak, but not to the degree the buff presents. We have how the DPS buff affected Archers. Buffing a slowā€”inoffensive card does not lead to a spicy meta.

Spear Goblins - the range is hugely important. Itā€™s hard to predict how much it will affect the card. Again, an intriguing buff ā€” that I am in favor of.

Archers - first hit-speed changes have proven to be more substantial than they would seem. However, it is clear this nerf wonā€™t interfere with the Archersā€™ new ridiculous role as anti-tank. You must nerf their performance in this role ā€” nerf DPS.

Miner - the nerf, especially the reasoning behind it, shows a poor understanding of the meta. The Minerā€™s use case isnā€™t tanking. But rather as a win condition. Miner Poison relies on its defenses, as it canā€™t punish well. Those defenses make the deck as strong as it is. Namely Archers, Goblins, Phoenix, MiMi, and Bomb Tower. Even if the nerf was effective, it will make both players struggle to get damage, making games drawn out even more.

Golden Knight - decent nerf. Likely, people will still find him unpredictable. Golden Knight has massively benefited from the meta, as Archers are fodder for him. Although, in such a defensive meta, Iā€™d be reluctant to nerf an offensive card.

Phoenix - the nerf is too minor ā€” the unit itself is too strong. Why are you so reluctant to properly nerf this card? People are getting tired of it. A rework that will make the respawn mechanic a more substantial part of the card would be ideal. But until then, make the card balanced.

I personally feel like a nerf to the miner isnā€™t needed. I think supercell is trying to nerf miner-poison. Poison has been good since monk and phoenix have been released, in addition to the archer buff. The damage or the wave of the poison should be nerfed instead of the miner.

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Miner will be nerfed next season my guy.

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The pekka needs a buf. Itā€™s ridiculously easy to stop and not versatile for seven elixir card.
With all the spam decks around itā€™s not usable.
By nerfing phoenix, archers and golden knight you are destroying e giant deck.
The game heavier decks are not playable. Heavier decks should be viable.

Rascals still will be worthless for 5 elixir, if rascal girls arent log resistant. There is just too many other good anti-air than them, and placing it on defense seems as useless, if Main damage dealer (rascals girls) arent log resistant

Wizard needs a big rework, He been terrible like 5 years, He deserves a rework to be good in the meta, Hopefully supercell notice how bad wizard is and gave him a rework, Like seriously his rework is been halted for 5 years and he needs to be perfectly balance to order to be in the meta

The archers nerf is inadequate. Nerf first hit speed wonā€™t do anything in which they would still have the same DPS to other troops. they should take away half the buff they organically added to them

I feel like a tower damage nerf would work for the miner or poison. the miner should be used for chip or as a tank but not a whole WIN CONDITION. Itā€™s unfair for your opponent to endlessly, recklessly spam a 7 elixir miner poison directly on your tower (while damaging your troops when you defend) just to defend your troops with 1, 2, and 3 elixir cards. With that being said, some cycle cards should recieve a nerf as well. I feel like the ice spiritā€™s freeze duration should be slightly nerfed, and the goblins do way too much to other troops which ultimately helps the person using them to get plenty of positive elixir trades

Egiant and RG are in the meta too. RG is questionable in getting a nerf but the egiant is 100% overpowered and could use a nerf. I can counter it easily but when it gets to your tower it deals way too much damage. They should start by reducing the shock damage to buildings and it destroys most troops very fast when they are tornadoed to it. With that being said, the tornado could maybe use a nerf too

One more thing, a bunch of us hate the meta and I do too, but I seriously hope they do the right thing and correctly nerf archers. Besides the HP, there is no point in running any other range card besides archers. the other ranged cards have been overshadowed by archers have been irrelevant this whole time in both casual play and competitive by a 3 elixir common card. Executioner, wizard, etc can use buffs

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Yeah sorry. I meant nerf haha. Brain fart. Iā€™ll fix that now.

SC will do anything BUT make the Phoenix 5 elixirā€¦ this is itā€™s fifth nerf by nowā€¦ I think they should either make it attack slightly slower OR just make it 5 elixirā€¦ this is getting ridiculousā€¦

The phoenix nerf is unnecessary by all means. I think it is as close as it will get to being balanced by my standards, as it can be easily countered by cheap cards and the reborn phoenix isnā€™t a huge threat. The card, fundamentally, will always be strong because of the rebirth mechanic and its high dps. I too think that the miner itself should not be nerfed because it itself honestly isnā€™t that strong.

Donā€™t nerf golden knight and phoenix.
You have done this so many times before.

Hereā€™s what iā€™d do

Mega Minion: 1.6sec ā†’ 1.4sec (from 1.3sec)

While Iā€™m all for buffing mega minion, the slated buff would undoubtedly make it far too strong. Weā€™ve seen how a similar hitspeed buff affected archers, which went from fairly niche to the undisputed best troop in the game. Scaling back .1sec of the best is the way to go for me, since the buff to 1.4sec only amounts to a 14% damage buff, which is far more reasonable for a decent-but-outclassed troop.

Phoenix: Hitspeed 0.9sec ā†’ 1sec

While I personally like phoenix, itā€™s still a bit too strong, and the slated nerf affects nothing in practice. A small hitspeed nerf will make it less effective against heavier and squishier troops alike while putting it more in line with the rest of the air troops, most importantly mega minion.

Golden Knight: Revert nerf, nerf tornado instead

I wouldnā€™t touch golden knightā€™s dash range. Unless they fix it so his chain dashes count the CENTER of troopsā€™ hitboxes, itā€™s dash range shold remain as-is. I feel like tornado is a bigger culprit more deserving of a nerf, since much of what makes golden knight so strong is it synergy w/ it, it lets him getting value in ways he shouldnā€™t be, it lets him hit everything the opponent plays while getting guaranteed crown tower damage on top. Iā€™d nerf nadoā€™s radius, but buff its pull strength so it still pulls hog/balloons to king towers, so it isnā€™t so easy to pull all the opponentā€™s defending troops at once.

Besides these changes Iā€™d give rascal girls a slightly longer first attack delay. Goblin Hut should be kept a close eye due to the spear gob range buff.

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