Why the hell has logbait not been nerfed yet?

It’s literally insane how you can defend a megaknight/pekka and ramrider with an inferno tower, cycle ice spirit, and just keep going ultra offensive with princess, gobling gang and barrel spam without any way of being punished :confused:

Not balanced

  • Inferno tower should have a health and range nerf
  • Princess should have a first hit nerf, or can only hit crown towers at a distance such that it can still be targeted by the tower

That would literally be all. More skill to play logbait now by having a tank for your princess (as it was intended for ranged cards), and less boring games for everyone.

it doesn’t make sense…

It not over power

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Skill issue. Inferno tower is meant to take on tanks. Go for variety in your deck. Inferno tower resets exist, arrows exists. Pekka is still too strong and you’re complaining?

You have 1 hour to delete this or else

What a stupid fucking take lmaoooo even with reset inferno tower + any spirit counters pretty much any tank

So are Jonathon and Joseph Velasquez your brothers, or do they just have the same last name as you?