Welcome to the Path of Legends - Biggest Update of the Year!

Well, it seems matchmaking wasn’t broken by the update. My lvl 30 account was matched to a lvl 29 and to a lvl 35 player on trophy road, looks more or less normal (actually the KL 29 / TL 10 was a bit of a surprise, but that might also be related to the reset).

Also I didn’t have any issue with clan war matchmaking.

ok thank i will check

It seems that chest cycles are also updated. Could you give more information about it?

The big thing is that players with King Level 42 and above will not get Silver Chests anymore, thus giving them faster progression overall.

If you want further info I will have to take look at how much I am allowed to share — let me know if there are specific things that you would like to know.

Hi, I got a question, im now lvl 44 with 5500 trophies, i have already all champions exept the new monk, if i now open the legendary kings Chest, can i get champions that i already own, or do i have to climb in ladder to be able to get them (even if i have them already unlocked?

Thank you. I have several follow up question.

  1. Do you have a detailed cycle?
  2. How much time is needed for new cycle?
  3. How long is a new cycle and # of each chests in the new one?
  4. Are Legendary, Mega Lightening, and Epic Chests still 1 in 500? If so, since silver chests are removed, these three chests take much longer to obtain.
  5. #9CRC8YRP2 My next Royale Wild Chest is +109. In an old 188-chest cycle, it cannot be +109 at all (Check 2021 Q4 update). Combined with no silver chest, this chest takes much longer for me to get.

Please see new blog post below which contains complete chest cycles for all king levels.

Yes it’s still 500. Your observation is correct and we have already given feedback to Supercell regarding this common complaints from the community

There isn’t a question here so I will skip this. I don’t understand what you meant by “it cannot be +109 at all”