Welcome to the Path of Legends - Biggest Update of the Year!

clashroyale blog states “By adding additional King Levels, we can better match players against each other (…) and provide fairer matchmaking for you all.”

I don’t get it, why donating cards and finishing masteries and daily tasks should influence matchmaking. However, I noticed, you didn’t mention matchmaking in this blog at all. Is this, because you are as skeptical as me, that the 50 King Levels will do any good in providing better matchmaking?

I don’t know what you’re asking. You gain trophies when you win, and lose trophies when you lose, just like Ladder right now.

The idea here is that players who spend similar amount of time on the game would be progressing at a pace that’s similar to other players. Most of your XP in fact comes from upgrading cards — which would then be proportional to your card levels in your collection.

We didn’t intentionally avoid this topic — and most certainly did not omit it for the reasons that you have stated.

so if u get to a new arena but don’t have the lvls u just won’t change arena, it’s like a way to block cards with lvls

Hmm… you can get to any arena with any card levels — the level requirement is for the King. Your King must be at a certain level to enter into that arena, and your King Level is independent of the card levels.

You might be confusing Trophy Road (casual mode, with arenas) with Path of Legends (ranked competitive mode, with leagues instead of arenas)

Nono i mean since the new arenas are “locked” to a certain levels technically the cards are locked to

Also why this feauture? bruh

What king lv are you If your not the right king lv your property gonna get moved to the one below the cap and won’t be able to move up till you get to that king lv no more rushing or pay to win accounts

If I have unlocked every champion but my trophies post reset is under 6000, I will continue getting champions from arena 17 in chests?

You said to come back on Tuesday to answer this question, it is Thursday for me now. Can I please know more about the champion chest, how to get it what they contain, how rare the are etc.

The time is now 2022-10-25 02:12 AM UTC Tuesday, and there isn’t a place on earth that is Thursday yet. Come back in 10 hours.

so u can’t get trophies

You said to come back on Tuesday

also what can u say about piggy bank

oh bruh it’s irl money
they should at least do like a “trash” version for holidays like Christmasxd

oh btw u did a grammar error in that paragraph “yu”

So my best trophies is a little over 6k (sadly came when champion was 6k and still counts it as 6k today), so I’ll get reset to ~5500 trophies. Can I save the Royal Wild chest from the free track of pass Royale (that unlocks in 13 hours or so) for when I get enough trophies to unlock the monk? Or is there no way that exact chest can contain the monk for me?

i think that u can

Thanks for your reply!

Well, in theory, XP might be proportional to card levels. However, in real life, I can assure you, that matchmaking by King Level can and will be exploited by upgrading a single deck and avoiding collecting XP unnecessarily (i.e. only when required to enter a higher arena). My lvl 14 golem in my tertiary account (new king level 30) will be totally OP, if I will only be matched to other players around level 30, instead of tower level 12 players.

I just hope, I will still be able to get matches in clan war…

It is currently Wednesday 11:13 in my time zone and normal updates hit about 10:00 my tim zone. I log in to clash Royale and the update hasn’t hit, is there a delay in the update and will it still hit today?

ya, its 4:22 in California right now and no sign of anything new!

Maitanence update lasting 35 mins on now so probs hit at 1:00 my time, 5:00 your time?