Uso de contenido

Buenas! Quería solicitar permiso para utilizar algunos de sus contenidos (en su inmensa mayoría simplemente imágenes de cambios de balance u otras nuevas adiciones a su página web) de carácter informativo en mi canal de Youtube (ElTucanIntegral - YouTube) llevo algún tiempo utilizando algunas imágenes y dándoles créditos, me encantaría poder seguir haciendo esto ya que me parece un laburazo el que hacen y muchas veces Clash Royale usa el de ustedes y no suele haber otra opción gráfica.

Desde ya, Muchas Gracias^^

Please send a link to a video you have posted that show this use case.

There are some!HABLÓ el CEO de SUPERCELL | BULLSTARS CAMPEON del PRESENCIAL en CHILE | Resumen TORNEO de CRL - YouTube ¡Nuevo Juego de Supercell y Alvaro845! | Lo BANEAN y CM lo EXPONE | REGRESAN los RUSOS a la CRL - YouTube not a very aggressive use, in one I only use the images of balance changes, in the other the post about how many people work in royale api and in the other I comment on the new additions to your page about clan wars stats

Can you please link me to a video where you talked about balances? I don’t see it anywhere.

If you’re going to link to a video which contains balances, include a timestamp where I can see it.


And btw In all the videos that I published above I talk about some RoyaleApi topic, it will be a bit complicated if you don’t understand Spanish, the link to RoyaleApi page is in the video description, in addition to other news portals that I may have used source for the video, It is nothing special, using the image of the balance changes for a few frames in that specific video and in some others about new features of your page or things of interest.

Ok I see your example: ¡Nuevo Juego de Supercell y Alvaro845! | Lo BANEAN y CM lo EXPONE | REGRESAN los RUSOS a la CRL - YouTube

As an FYI, the way you just put a bare domain like that is unacceptable.

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 2.05.17 AM

You must link directly to the blog post, which is this link:

Please update everything so I know what it is required. Then we can proceed.

ready, I changed it, it was not with bad intentions.

I haven’t seen anything changed. To be clear, in your YouTube descripton, you are currently linking to:

You must, instead, link to

Which is where that image is from. If you want to use our balance images, you must link directly to those posts. Having top-level domain name is not enough.

Please let me know once you have made this change.

done, I had the wrong video, sorry.

Ok, looks good. So for your specific use case — balance changes — you can use the image as you have. Please make sure that you follow the following:

  • :x: You may not use our images as video thumbnails or as the main image to your articles.
  • :white_check_mark: You must credit RoyaleAPI as source.
  • :white_check_mark: You must keep the images unchanged (no edits / crops).
  • :white_check_mark: You must link back to the blog post where the image(s) appear in the video description / article.

This permission applies only to balance changes images. For everything else, please request for permission separately.
