Usage of Royale API media

I would like to use your media to make informative videos about squadbusters on my new created TikTok account and I thought before I’m randomly going to steal the images I thought it would be polite to ask first TikTok is: @squadbusterstipsandnews
If I can’t use it I will respect that but it would mean a lot

Hi, please read our media guidelines:

I don’t understand this can I post it on TikTok or not ? I’m not super good at English can seomone simplify this

3. Don’t post our assets on social media

If the asset is a promotional image, usually distinguished by having a title and author credit, it cannot be posted on social media. To share our content on social media like Twitter/X, you can quote and repost our published content.

In contrast, we don’t usually post long tables and written text. Extracts of these may be shared as long as the link to the source is clearly paired with it.

Basically, it depends on the kind of content you are doing.

If you are simply reposting our assets, then no, you are not allowed. If you use them as a source to discuss topics in more depth, then it’s fine.

Alr thank you I will try to make that kind of video if I use it thank you