Tower Troops Update (December, 2023 Q4)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
1 Like
  1. “King’s Journey chest will now include bonus rewards”

Hey SML, Alpe. Does this mean we can re-claim those chests? Or do we lose these bonus rewards since some have already reached king level 60 and claimed the level up chests along the way.

  1. “Updated Arena 13 Trophy Road rewards to match arena cards”

One question, will trophy road rewards be claimable again? Similar to some of the previous instances when we had major updates?

Thank you. Would really appreciate a clarification on the first doubt.

Usually rewards that have already been claimed cannot be claimed again, this applies to the two scenarios you mention. (but we can’t say for sure)


Thanks for the response Alpe.
Need an opinion from you, I have my rewards saved from level 43. Should I open it or save them?

I’d save them. The level 54 chest will likely give you 50K EWCs


why? They have moved the cards from the bottom of the deck it is horrible

Hi I was curious if the tower troops will give experience or not. I’m trying to go for the king tower level 9 world record and was wondering if it would affect that. Thanks in advance for your help! :slight_smile:

I wish supercell would order the correct banner items next to each other. Every decoration next to its original frame. To make it look like a collection

seriously? I unlocked this chest (((

One thing that people are not talking about is that the video that was released made it look like the new tower troop would be splash damage… I hope they realize that a splash damage tower troop will almost be a hard counter for several win conditions as well as some others eg; skeleton barrel, hogs, goblin drill, elixir golem, graveyard (if the defender also has tornado), skeleton king, etc… this outcome will push hogrider and beat down decks into dominating the meta (they already do somewhat) and make the meta even more stagnant…

The new organization in the decks must be reversed as it was, leaving only the new design is the only good thing about this update but the fact that the cards are not down is rubbish with all due respect.