Stolen Supercell ID

Hi ! It’s been almost a week since my Supercell ID was stolen. I thereby lost access to all of my accounts (clash royale, clash of clans, brawlstar and squad buster). I was especially playing clash royale and my tag is #88P20VR2Q. A hacker got into my email address, connected to supercell id with my login info, then changed the email adress. I contacted in-game support and followed every steps. The problem I’m facing is that at some point in the automatic conversation, the robot asks me for my “recovery code” which I don’t have. I also send severely requests on the website support, and every time I had an automatic response saying I have to use the in-game support. I also tried the “report a player” conversation saying the account with this tag is mine and has been stolen, but I don’t see them doing something… Is there still a way for me to get it back ?

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how did he got access to your email address at the first place? And did you ever activated passcode on your supercell id for recovery

Hi ! Thanks for the answer. Idk if I activated it or not, I created the account years ago, I don’t remember.

As for the email, idk how he got access, it’s a hacker. I saw him using my email address to connect to a lot of websites, probably in search of a way to make money out of it… I’m guessing he used a program to crack my password.

Isso aconteceu comigo ! Perdi uma conta nível 68, porque chega no email que temos que entrar em contato com a Supercell imediatamente. Fiz isso na mesma hora, mas como o suporte é uma porcaria demoraram demais pra me responder e perdi a conta ! Estou fazendo de tudo para ao menos banir ela ! Mas já vi que a política de privacidade dessa empresa não serve para nada, não fizeram nada pra me ajudar no suporte , tenho todas as compras efetuadas no meu cartão e nem sequer me perguntaram isso ! Devo ter gasto uns 10 mil reais na conta e perder ela assim é muito triste , vai saber se não foi a própria empresa que vazou meus dados ! Isso é frustrante demais !!! Quem puder fortalecer e denunciar essa conta no suporte ajudaria demais !!! #GORV002P

Sorry, this is not something RoyaleAPI is able to help with.

Iam also facing the exact same issue as you, please let me know if you found out how to get back our accounts

Contact supercell

This is not something RoyaleAPI is able to help with.