Star Tokens from Piñata

After the update we can get Star Tokens from Piñata and Piñata Bank. How much and what’s chances of it?

Are you sure you can? I haven’t seen that myself. Here is the loot available for the Piñata Bank:

Yes, I get it from Piñata Bank and also from Piñata

Ok, thanks for sharing. Do you have 1 or more characters at their last evolution?

I’m thinking it’s possible that Babies are converted to Star Tokens if that’s the case. E.g.: if Goblin is maxed, you get 5 Star Tokens instead of 5 Goblins.

I have only Battle Healer. I don’t think it’s related to Babies

After sometime, I think ur right and this Babies converted to Star Tokens as system for maxed out players with chest from battles is the same

Yep, not sure, I’ll look into it more whenever I have time. I have several maxed units and didn’t see this in any of my Piñatas, but maybe just luck?

I just have two accounts with 1 Ultra and got Star Tokens on both accounts. Also my friend shared he also get Star Tokens and I see it on some Discord servers . Maybe like 0.0001% to get :grin: