Season 69 Royale’s 9th Birthday (March 2025) - Clash Royale News Blog - RoyaleAPI

Less than a day ago · February 26, 2025 · 3 min read

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Is it possible to know the events for this season, it was something missed or maybe it’s not possible to share for some kind of surprise/update

It’s hinted we are going to have emotes and banner in the season shop, last time was in the first event of 2vs2 a couple of months ago.

Why did they remove the second legendary card from the season shop??? This is getting more and more ridiculous

Clash royale puts cards in the season shop that assosiate with the evo shard in the shop. In this case you can get cannon evo shards and a popular deck where cannon is played is logbait and logbait only contains 1 legendary.

Season shop cards are not always all from a single popular deck. So far most of the cards were related in that way yet not always and there was always 2 commons, 2 rares and 2 legendaries

Why remove the second legendary card from the season shop???

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add ballon emote to free emote like goblinstein emote

I think we should get some quality of life changes.

  • 4 star lucky drop should have the chance to upgrade its rarity to 5 star lucky drop when tapping it
  • Paid side of Pass Royal level 60 should be a wild shard instead of a Legendary King Chest. Evolutions are just that much better for most players, due to how game changing some evolutions ability are.
  • Let players opt out of getting Gold Crates in their chest cycle. Obviously this will depend on the player. As for people that have been playing the game for a long time, gold isn’t an issue. The issue is elite wild cards. With chest being better for the conversion of cards to elite wild cards.
  • Royal Wild Chest switch the guaranteed champion for a champion wild card. Unlocking a new champion is no longer as hard as it used to be, especially with the amount of places you can unlock them or the special challenges that give them upon their release. But upgrading them is still a problem. This change would give players more freedom to which card they choose to upgrade. And also thematically would make more sense of a chest that only contains wild cards of all rarity.
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