Season 66 Cozy Clashmas (December 2024)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What does the supercell id rewards mean below the training camp tower skin? will it be like the chicken emote?

Do you know how the tower skin looks like I would love to see it

Please buff Magic archer
First hit speed
0.7 sec → 0.65 sec

Is there going to be another braindead card?

nerf royal hogs! the mini pekka should be able to one hit them by itself. hp -1% would still survive fireball

I would like to request for monthly balance changes

They promised us a legendary book but it’s no where to be seen in the season shop


Legendary book turn to be common book

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This is a very bad cheating from the Dev Team to punish F2P Players!!!

Where is my legendary Book in the shop!?

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Came here to say this. Was this a glitch, or was this incorrect information?

I believe it was a glitch. Clash Royale always gives us a Legendary Book of Cards every Clashmas. They would announce if they had stopped that. No reason to stop giving us the Legendary Book anyways.