Season 65 Muskets at Dawn (November 2024)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

How do you get that hog rider emote? it says “(trial)” but what does that mean?

The trail refers to the ladder road collection rewards

Really think that the Goblinstein should get another nerf. I think he should get a 18.4% health nerf. Going from 885 hitpoints to 720 hitpoints, same as musketeer. I think that it currently gives too much value just for 5 elixir when you consider both the Hitpoints of Goblinstein and the monster. It is also kind of outrages how a PEKKA can’t one shot it.

When’s Gold Rush? The post claims Oct 11-14, which is obviously wrong

I dont think that musket should get a nerf its only really usable because it doesnt die to fireball

Omg Season shop tier list is back :fire: