Season 64 Shocktober 2 (October 2024)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

we already have the Prince headless banner from season 40

I thought the evolution shards would be gob giant

I saw you were taking evolution suggestions from your comment in the video so I suggest:

Evolved Mini Pekka:
Same stats, but every other hit (or maybe every hit) zaps everything in a 0.75 tile radius, does about 100 damage, enough to kill skeletons. I think mini Pekka is fit for an evolution because while it is a reliable cards that serves its purpose early game, you really don’t see it past low ladder too much because it blends in with other tank killers. 1 cycle evolution

Another mini Pekka concept:
Every hit it makes it gains 0.3x damage and it stacks. 2 cycle evolution (example: level 11 damage starts at 720, increases to 936, then 1267, etc

Evolved minion concept:
Minions have same base stats, but do splash damage in a little cone to what the hit, similar to firecracker attack. Same melee range but the attack reaches farther. Minions get overshadowed by cards like bats and I think this would help them stand out. 2 cycle evo

Finally the tower skin we voted for months ago!!! So happy, hope it will be available for gems. But it’s worth it money too on my eyes .