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did they add the golem rocker emote to go alongside the night witch rock guitar emote from season 40 lmao
What happened with the banner tokens in the challenges?
Hello brother, good afternoon, evening, night, or whatever, as the latter depends on the geographical area where you are.
As for your question: While I am not part of the Royale API team, I can give you my personal appreciation on the subject in question.
Let’s start by parts: In season 43 SUPERCELL decided not to give banner tokens in the special challenges , so this meant a decrease in obtaining banners by each player .
To understand it better I will make a comparative scheme , where I will show the differences between the seasons that awarded banners and the one in which they did not , ie the last .
Season 42 ( season of 28-27 days ) : Daily tasks ( 20 tokens per day , for fulfilling such a mission , 20.7 = 140 x week + the 30 tokens of the additional bonus for fulfilling all the missions of each week = 170 per week = 680 in the whole season , that is , just counting that we have a total of 7 banners , 43.75% of the total )
CHALLENGES : There were 3 challenges , in total 280 banner tokens were assigned for each person .
680+280 = 960 / 10 = 9.6 banners , almost 10 , or 62% of the total .
Current season (ice golem , super golem and other things , it is called frost festival : Same formula , with the difference that , in this case , it is long season .
170.4 = 680 .
But , there are 6 days left over . 20.6 = 120 . 120+680 = 800 . 50% of total banners 8/16 , that is only 1 banner more than in short season .
There were 5 special challenges in which banners were never awarded .
Conclusion of all this …
My opinion is that , Supercell , is trying to generate in each season more special challenges , and with this they themselves come to the following dilemma : If in all these challenges we give banners , the free banner will be very easy to get , or at least the consumers of the game will get 13/16 banners , or even more if they complete masteries , and with this our idea that these , ie players , spend gems , or stay longer doing masteries to earn banners , will vanish . For this very reason the Clash Royale team has carefully analyzed all this , and has come to the conclusion that , if they want to generate many challenges , they will have to give less tokens , or not even give them as they have done this season ( 0 tokens in any challenge ) .
Now , to end my argument is pertinent to comment that , the way Supercell act in terms of banners , is a complete benefit for themselves , on the basis that they produce this for the player to allocate time to complete masteries , or spend gems ( main resource of the game ) , and thus unlock the rest of banners .
Thank you , hope you understood me , sorry for the extension , and have a beautiful day .
Hm… for super magic archer would you be allowed to use the other team’s champion’s ability if it switches sides? making sure there’s no bugs… also it looks like fireball can’t kill super MA?