Search for Battle decks for attacking enemy ships


I am interested in CW2 to attack mainly opponent ships. Is there a feature to search for the best decks for this?

If not, can be implemented?

Best regards

@chipix We don’t have it mainly for these reasons:

Boat battles do not alway start from a state of reset with 3 towers at full health. And the battle logs don’t show the starting and ending health of the towers. The only figure it shows is the number of towers it has taken down.

The issue is that the towers that got brought down could’ve started with full health or 1hp. This means that it’s not actually possible to determine if a particular deck used is effective at all.

For this reasons, we have no plans to add deck searches for boat attacks — if we are unable to determine the effectiveness of a deck, it won’t be useful to see what decks are being tried.