Hello, I would like to request achievements for the 5000€ event “isybank university masters” (2500€ for clash royale, 2500€ for rocket league), the finals of the event took place a week ago on Friday as a lan event in Milan, here below i’ll send a picture of the clan of the event and a couple pictures of the rulebook.
Here is the link to the final:
The ending results are as follows:
1º ferdi✌️ #PGRLRPLR (1250€)
2º Ares 強者 #88JVUCJ (650€)
3º/4º Wyze❤️Ultimo #202GUYUP / Formee✨️ #9JCL80Y (300€ each)
5º/6º QLASH Ricky #8P28UP0J8 / WDN | Gιυλιο #RUG228LJ
Let me know if anything else is needed or if this is enough, I don’t have a link to the bracket since the event was lan