Recover account - Supercell ID lost

Okay i need help but i can’t find anything about a similar situation to mine on internet.
Basically i lost my old clash royale account where i had about 2k trophies and i made it like more than 5 years ago and i can’t recover it because i don’t remember the player tag. It was connected to a supercell id but i lost that too because my old email got deleted and i can’t get the code to access my account… i tried contacting supercell to change my old supercell id email address but they didn’t solve anything. Any advice?

Sorry we won’t be able to help you with this if Supercell Support can’t help you. Losing your previous email would be difficult for you to recover since there isn’t really a way for them to verify that you are indeed the owner of the account.

If you’re at 2k trophies, you probably can start an account and push again. Unfortunately, there isn’t really a good suggestion for you to do so otherwise.

And unless you have used our site before, it‘s unlikely that we would have your name / tag in our database.

Is there any way for me to recover my old account, i have my player tage name every thing, my supercell id just overwrited a new account onto my email, and i cant log into my account