Profile Name Change (denied?)

Hi, it seems my previous request to change the name on my profile (#2URV2RPC) have been denied and I would like to ask why. The name that’s displayed right now, “Felix Stöber” is not my name and I don’t exactly know how it ended up there. It was the name of my Twitter account before I changed it there and it’s an email address I use, but it’s a made up name from years ago when my parents told me not to use my real name on the internet :D. I assume it was automatically applied somehow somewhere when the eSports profile was created (last year’crl IIRC).

Anyway, I would like to change it to the regular internet / username I use now for most of my socials etc. to be more consistent and recognizable. The new name should be “nitramGe”. Is that possible?

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

We don’t usually allow name changes, but we’ll look into this case

Thank you very much. If I may ask, why is there an option for it in the change request form if it’s usually not allowed?

So I assume the conclusion is that I don’t get the special treatment? ^^ Well thank you for your time and consideration anyway :slight_smile: