Profile got affiliated with someone else?

Hey, my RoyaleAPI profile #8VU9929P got affiliated with an esports profile (Twitter, team, alternate ign, etc) which is not me. Not sure how this happened but could you please revert my profile to what it used to be? I just had an empty esports profile with United States as the country (I think because of CRL).

Also if you’re able to add my actual second account #PCQQ9VRYU, that would be great. Thanks

Ok, does this mean that you aren’t participating in GKR Leagues?

Yeah, none of the information on my esports profile is correct. All of that info seems to be for #2PC0RYVY9, not me

Ok, the event organiser has confirmed. It should be removed in the following days.

Do you have a twitter account that we can link to your profile to avoid future confusion?