This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Alright take my money, dont forget to use creator code RoyaleAPI
I have been playing this a new pekka evo so far and I have this feeling that this heal it’s a little bit insufficient, because it’s heal per kill not per hit so in most of situation pekka could be killed quickly by distance cards before do anything and it costs a lot of eli also. I have seen in the game that there is 684 heal per death so more that information in here but maby would be nice if hit speed were a bit faster that for pekka without evo for instance 1.7. There is an issue when pekka evo facing tanky cards like golem with huge pushes and before kill the golem just gets wasted before gain this one heal from golem. The big push already kills pekka before do anything else maby more effocent comparing to pekka without evo.
EVO pekka was broken as hell yeah letz buff It of course im Just a Bad midladder menace and im to dumb to log the scarmy. (Scarmy is Bad as hell idk why midladder Players use It)
I mean before Nerf pekka was strong too so i dont rlly undestand why supercell thought yeah lets make an EVO