Pass Royale & Emote Giveaway

I believe that the healthy addition to the game would be a reliable spell deflect mechanic. Currently we have Monk with his ability, but it’s too slow to actually predict spells and it often just doesn’t work because it’s buggy (especially with arrows for some reason). Getting spell cycled by Earthquake or Rocket is one of the least interactive things in the game and often there is no way to reliably counter it, giving a player ability to counterplay that by predicting the spell or covering the area around players towers seems like a good idea since it wouldn’t be abused in spell bait/swarm decks. It could else be a card or just fixing and speeding up Monks ability to work reliably.

Clash royale is a very nice game.i am playing most of the time in our life.clash royale should be added 2v2 ranked game mode and character skin

Goog old party mode with different game modes rotation was sick, it would be nice to have it back!

To be able to favorite cards that appear on the top always

In friendly matches, external factors and modes can be adjusted completely by myself and special matches can be played.

Evolution Inferno tower to be multi target like in Clash of Clans!

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Some new features I would like to see added to Clash Royale are options to make the main menu more customizable and able to be personalized to your liking. Banners were a nice addition but I would like to see more. Firstly, make it possible so you can change the theme of your arena to any arenas you have already unlocked. So for example, if you already reached Legendary Arena but dislike the looks of it and prefer the aesthetics of Spooky Town, you should be able to switch the theme of your displayed arena to that instead. Additionally, the color of the background should be able to be changed. We are currently limited to only 3 colors so far, blue for trophy road, green for the goblin arena, and purple for path of legends. It would be nice if the background color was able to be changed. Lastly, make it possible to alter the UI of the menu. What I mean by this is being able to do things like moving buttons around on the screen to make it more comfortable and easy to navigate the menu.

I wish skins the same way brawl stars has would come out for certain cards in CR, using star points the same way bling is would be nice

I would like to see a 2v2 infinite elixer battle added to clash

Supercell pls make a deck button only for events tab and improve clan wars or give us the clan chest back.

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I’d like mastery rewards on the tower troops

2v2 ladder or more season tokens and bring back wildcards in the season shop

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A 2v2 ladder would be nice

A clan exclusive progression system where players in a clan will contribute by either earning crowns or just playing games for a ladder of rewards given to all clan players, the rewards can change every season so it never gets boring.

I think an LTM mode where they rotate the gamemodes would be fun.

I would like to play 2v2 Ladder with my friends

skins to characters would be cool

I think a magic item to temporarily activate any evolution would be cool to see in Clash Royale.

champion equipment, like coc hero equipment

Maybe some cards can get upgrades that aren’t evolutions. Maybe some cards get added abilities, like champions.

Maybe others can get a ‘morph’ mechanic. Here is a thought on that:

If you have both freeze and rage in hand, you can play morph for 5 elixir that freezes and rages selected area at same time OR there is a slot (like evo slot) where if you have rage there, it lets you had a card like freeze to play with morphed card instead of just rage.

Graveyard can morph with goblins for undead goblins to rise

Ice wizard can morph with Magic Archer for a chill arrow
