Mega Knight Evolution Event

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Go Ian! Wooooooo!

This event is amazing, and I love the idea of grinding for new evos. If some new evos could be obtained like this in the future, it would be easier for passionate players to feel rewarded for extra playtime without spending money. I really like this idea, and I think if it is implemented at least for a few new evos, the game has a bright future :heart:

True. If they are adding 2 evolutions in one season, at least one of them shouldn’t pay to get. Then f2p can enjoy the game.

must i watch it live to get the twitch drops because when it is live , it is like 3am in my country and my parents dont allow me to watch it

I liked the idea that Evo is free. This helps a lot in making the game more free.