Lumberjack Evolution - February 2025 (Season 68)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think the ghost lumberjack should be alive in only his own rage. I mean the 2 elixir rage spell mustn’t stay him alive.

I hate using the word “broken” and I use it rarely, but I think this is hands down the most broken thing released yet (maybe only evo edrag pre release could compare to it). First off they should revert it and make it do as much damage as the lumberjack, cross the bridge like a royal ghost, make it two cycle, because 1-4 elixir evolutions get 2 cycles(exluding the goblin cage, which needs to be changed) and be alive for only 3 seconds, so the rage spell would not have an effect on him. This will allow him to get a maximum amount of 4 hits, which is 4x256=1024 damage. Also he has to have 1 hp, but always stay invibile which is going to make him die to only spells and splash attacks.

Not sure why they nerfed the damage instead of making it a 2 cycle like every other 4 elixir card (besides Cage)

Ok this evo is crazy. You’re telling me that we’re getting a new troop with crazy hitspeed, which can be paired with lumberjack that has extended life with rage. Is this even going to make ladder playable? Lumberloon is gonna be impossible to stop with a ground troop. Honestly, this doesn’t even begin to take into account that leagues exists. Can we get something less broken next season that at least counters evo e dragon? Or any of the broken evos without being broken itself? Or a new dragon. That I would settle for…

Baf. Will sell diamond passes like hotcakes & then yank the rug right out from under all who bought with a nerf. SC is just another gaf corporation. I promise, they know exactly what they are doing.

It should be a patern for every one, two, three and four elixir evos to be two cycles

Hard agree with you

as always pay money buy pass or you will lose to lumberjack evolution because you will not have chance to stop this card wow what a beautiful balanced game amazing clash royale i am so mad i can’t express my feelings enough

Will the banners from the challenges be available elsewhere if I do not finish the challenge?

fuck you supercell for making this game pay to win trash ghost added to 4 elixer 1 cycle card fuck you suck my ass

everyone who made this game worse will go to hell please some serial killer start killing supercell team i hate you fuckercell