Lucky Drop 2.0 Client Update (October, 2024 Q3)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Just one more thing that you should add, Crown Chests are removed from Clash Royale.

Ok so here’s a crazy story: once my cousin and i went to the supermarket together to buy ice cream only to find that popped in shock to find there was only Popsicles we ended up buying them and making a great smothie! (This story is fake)

So in a full calendar year, can you show what will be the expected count/percentages of each type of box?

How many 1Star? 2Star? 3Star? 4Star? 5Star?

Damn. The gems were very useful.

They can give you champions they are not that bad

Not th best update not the worst I reckon 3 Evo shards per season and me and other ppl will come back but happy they did this

I feel like gems could be a way to “buy” another bonus spin. Like 50 gems per bonus spin.

una brebe historia seria cuando recien descague el clash hace 5 años por un amigo que me lo recomendo y tarde 3 meses en ganarle una partida era bueno jugando desde que le gane dejo el juego me regalo su cuenta y a un la conservo activa.

It seems the amount of common cards we get in 4S lucky drops is variable.

On 3 4S cubes where I got common cards on my arena 23 accounts, I got 1641 common, then 2039, then 510.

I also got 2 4S cubes with common on 2 other accounts (arena 21 and 22), and I got 510 and 1566.

The wide range is strange. Is that a bug?