This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
The videos showing interactions were great you should keep doing it
The direction of the dash must be forward the same direction of little Prince’s target Or forward the most close enemy to the little prince.
This makes the ability valuable than it is right now.
3 elixir for a DPS range card and it doesn’t die to fireball? I think it will be unbalanced and rly strong.
Hope they don’t change the free part because I am in arena 11 and for now I don’t wanna get to arena 12
They should buff Dart Goblin’s damage by 2-3% (kills Spear Goblins in one hit) because Little Prince outclasses it in every way outside of damage per shot and rarity.
This card looks really cool and creative, but i think it’ll be a tad strong upon release. As a PEKKA Ram player I’ll experiment to see if it can fit it. A cheap troop that survives a fireball should fit in quite nicely. Super glad to see a new card - Honesty thought we wouldn’t see a new one until 2024
will evo archers be available to use in the 20 win challenge?