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Bro this is clearly not balanced, this is just to get some Diamond Pass buyers and then nerf it
It means it won’t die to sparky when walking towards it! Totally ridiculous
Evolution Knight He is too fraudulent. It definitely needs to be nerfed. Slowed attack speed from 0.9 seconds to 1.1 seconds and reduced damage reduction while walking from 80% to 50%. And it should reduce bonus health from 30% to 10%. We’ve seen the effect on archers before and feel like we should slow down the evolution knight with this. Also, the other stats are too deceptive.
Totalmente de acuerdo, lo tendrán un tiempo para ganar dinero con el luego lo nerfearan, y la gente es tonta y seguirá comprando.
When I look the stats it looks okey but the shield ability is so broken it should be around a 50%. 90% is so broken. It’s crazy a 3 elixirs card can beat a 3 Mosketeer now we are complaining about the firecraker but this will also break the game , this game should be called broken royale.
that is very true they will make the new cards or evolutions ridiculous and overrated and give it only in 10$ diamond pass of in 50$ bundles at the shop