Inquiry About Providing Additional Information for Esports Profile Approval


I am a Chinese player, and I have already submitted the new esports profile creation form. Upon reviewing the form, I noticed that it is quite basic and only includes fields for the player’s name and game account tag.

After further research on the “Royale API Help” website, I learned that there will be no email notification regarding the decision on my application.

Given this, I would like to provide additional information to strengthen my qualifications for obtaining an esports profile. For example, I achieved second place in the CRCC tournament (where the champion receives the Golden Ticket and competes in the World Finals).

I am reaching out to inquire if there is any way I can submit more details to support my request, ensuring that the API team considers my application and avoids a potential rejection.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

Best regards,


Hello, in that case you should include all the relevant player tags; even the ones of the local server or banned accounts.

This will allow us to know if you already had an esports profile with any of your old accounts.

Hi, it’s been a while since I send the forum to the API team and got no response. I just send another request which follow ur instruction and put in all the ACCs that I used before and be isolated at the Chinese server.
Plus, I did really joined the yearly crl qualification china division. I would love to provide more info like screen-shots or wikipedia records to show I am really qualified to be identified as a pro player. However, the form didn’t have a place for me to submit those stuff.

what’s more, I joined the baby dragon league December monthly finals. All I want it’s to show my achievements on my profile.

I would like to know what should I do next? looking forward for ur reply!