I'm missing two e-sport badges on my profile

Today I noticed I finally got my first badge for 4th place in Nowy Poziom Split 3 tournament, but I still haven’t got badge for the same tournament - Nowy Poziom Split 2 in which I placed 3th, this tournament happened in June this year. I’m missing another badge it’s for team achievement, for 2nd place in pOwP’s league called RoyaleLeaguePL, this tournament happened in 2021 in October I think, another players not only from my team but other teams too got badges long time ago, but I didn’t. I can send list of players in which is my nick to prove I played this tournament

Hi, we’ll need more information to validate this.

Nowy Poziom Split 2 in which I placed 3th

This event is in our database and someone else is already 3rd, please provide proof so that we can look into it

2nd place in pOwP’s league called RoyaleLeaguePL

Similar, please provide proof of this

First proofs for the pOwP’s league, here is the link for the discord of the league Royale League: Poland when you go to the “teamy” (teams) and search PKElite you can see that I’m in roaster of the team. Here is the link to the livestream of the final stage of the league and proof that we have placed 2nd https://www.youtube.com/live/9dgam371ZRg?si=76Z2UVc_kudq60wv. To prove that I actually played matches for my team you can see this livestream of the second round against Plejownia, where I swept an entire team in KOTH
(Link in next post because I can only put two links)
And the last one is that I think all the players of my team have already got the badge but I didn’t, for example check Frio’s profile

Here is the link for the second round of league https://www.youtube.com/live/vztWRkaxPug?si=8B9zLJ3WROpfTzNF

Ok, yes, I was able to update the list of participants and several players did not have esports profiles at the time of logging, so that’s why the achievements weren’t added. Should be added soon for you and a few others.

And here is the proof for the Nowy Poziom Split 2 https://twitter.com/DKP_CR/status/1674724673769074689?t=LHuv3S8gtqJnTIMvA_jYQg&s=19
This is link for my tweet which is RT of their tweet announcing the final match of the 2nd Split. I think that’s enough, if not I can dm the organizator to give me some more proof. Overall ranking then was:

  1. InThrill125
  2. xBartek
  3. D K P

Ok, could you help us understand what event this was?

My best guess is that there has been:

  • Season 1: 2022 (2022-12-17)
  • Season 2: 2023 Split 1 (2023-04-22)
  • Season 3: 2023 Split 2 (2023-06-29)
  • Season 4: 2023 Split 3 (2023-09-23)

Is this correct? Are we missing something?

Yeah exactly, it may be a little bit confusing that season 3 is called split 2 but that’s how they call it, maybe because that’s how many of this LAN events happened this year (there are going to be 2 more of them this year)

The event you linked is Split 1

Ok, great, in that case we’ll change the naming format to “<year> Split <i>” for consistency.

Thanks for your help, results should be updated in a few days.

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I have one more question, why is 3rd place Tier 6 and 4th place also Tier 6? When placing 3rd you earn a pretty nice cash prize and it’s the biggest tournament in the entire Poland right now so it’s also significant achievement. What are the rules of tiers?

Simply for consistency with all of the other events we log. The tier structure is not dependent on the prize pool distribution. This is the system that we use:


Ok thanks, it’s understandable