Goblin Cage Evolution - August 2024 (Season 62)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/goblin-cage-evolution-new-card-2024-august

I am strongly against the HP buff, evolutions should not have stats buff

Why is it one cycle ? And i think all of us overeacted i think it’s balanced. It’s a very situational evo it’s broken against beatdown but horible against cycle decks. erthquacke will be sooo good this season.

I can smell some nerfs right away…:face_with_hand_over_mouth::thought_balloon::thinking:
✓ Minor nerf - evolution cycle increase from 1 to 2 since it is a 4 elixir card.
✓ Month 1 - The pull distance will be reduced from 3 tiles to 2 tiles as it would be considered too strong as per game developers.
✓ Month 2 - The health buff of 10% will be taken back by 4% and then removed totally after 3 months. It would be sold at a lesser price after 3 months in the shop then,:face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Same old cycle rinse and repeat…:sleeping:

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Eq is not that good against the cage because you still have to deal with the brawler. The decks that typically run cage is recruits fb bait, some egiant decks and some balloon decks, all of which are pretty good against hog/pigs that are really the only decks that run eq. Nobody is going to run eq in other decks just for the cage when they can also run lightning, void or fireball.

One cycle only will make this card very good in decks like recruits fb bait. Since that deck doesn’t have a reliable 2nd evo it will fit in perfectly. The current recruits decks with cage run either evo archers or bomber, but since those decks aren’t cheap it will be very good to have an evo that only requires one cycle just like the recruits. The evo cage is not going to make or break the deck in most matchups, but it will consistently get good trades against units that previously would destroy the entire cage + brawler (MK, pekka). So there will be even a bigger counter push potential with this evo.