Final Balance Changes for October 2024

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I’m not sure if it’s too late to apply anymore changes at this point, but if magic archer is getting its inconsistency vs mortar fixed, then mother witch should have the same change applied, since those have the same hp and will thus have the same inconsistency. In addition, mother witch 4-shots itself at level 11 (133 damage, 532 health, 133x4=532) but 5-shots itself at level 15 (193 damage, 774 health, 193x4=772). This is fairly significant when you use a monk ability to reflect mother witch shots. I don’t know if only applying exactly the same change as magic archer will also fix this inconsistency, but if it doesn’t, then mother witch’s damage should also be increased by 1 (134 at 11, 195 at 15, same as magic archer).


The pekka and evo wiz needs more nerf, All the buffs is bad , only tesla is good after removing the death shock wave, Void and cannoneer is a big mistake that damage nerf bc now the lava and the elixir golem and the normal golem will dominate the game specially when the evo dragon will drop, Cannoneer deserve the hit speed nerf only that will make him more balanced to log bait deck other will make him dead

W Update
W change
Finally something good

General question, why do balance changes go live one day after the new season starts? I think they should go live on the same day the season starts.

Also I would prefer monthly balance changes but dont need to like balance 18 cards like every season balance 10 or something. It leads to the meta changing every month and more fine tuning of the cards

Probably because game maintenances disrupt player engagement, and the first day of the season is always one of the most active.

Generally speaking I would prefer a 30min maintenance break after season ends for the balance changes, everything else for the new season and then everyone starts playing

But your choice I guess. Not a major difference or anything

hahahaha this guy mad :salt:

Feel like they’re ruining the concept of evo zap

Goblinstien needs an emergency nerf, look at its usage rates and everyone is saying that. Reduce it’s ability duration by maybe 1s or something