Final Balance Changes for November 2024

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“Not an emergency nerf…”

they never balance cards mid season, unless it’s an emergency to do so… or else pros would be up in arms around it. Also, saying that they had planned on buffing musketeer as stated just doesn’t make sense…

Just call it what it is… this is a response to the outcry from the community… which is a good thing. I just think we need to call it for what it is. A much needed emergency balance change.

Not trying to sound coarse, I just feels like that statement is damage control directed by supercell… and I want to believe that royaleapi is an independent source.

They don’t understand that they don’t have to nerf evo pekka but normal pekka…

I like that supercell is showing initiative and nerfing the cards mid season but some of these changes should be changed in my opinion.

Goblinstien the goblinstien hp nerf will not be that effective. what needs to be nerfed is the ability duration because it gets too much value

Pekka - pekka was really strong even before its evo, what needs to be nerfed is the base pekka’s range which was buffed a couple seasons ago

These balance changes are so good but i just dont know why supercell hate evo pekka when evo pekka realised was so balanced but in shocktober 2 they killed evo pekka by nerfing him and thay have another massive nerf for it and they dont nerf evo Megaknight its so unbalanced and i think non of us will ok with that now pekka is the worst evolution ever in the game and no body will use pekka in evo really need to buff pekka next season supercell pls repair your game balancing :rage:

poor pekka getting that void treatment

The main issue with PEKKA is the range buff she got a few months ago.

If she got her range reduced back to normal and the heal nerf cut in half (25% (281) > 12.5% (329)) she would actually be way more balanced. If the change goes through the way it is then her evo will be useless and her normal form will still be too strong.

As for evolution Musky, she is so so bad currently, the worst evo in the game. Just give her 2.0x damage instead of 1.8x so she can actually be useable in more than 1 or 2 decks.

Finally, reduce the duration of Lightning Link by another second (4s > 3s) as the ability is the biggest problem when trying to deal with the card. It gives insane defensive value with no effort besides drop and click so I hope the team reads this and realizes these changes are not right.

Please reconsider these balances SC


The Ram Rider damage nerf won’t do anything. The fact that she charges in 2 tiles is just insane and makes her impossible to stop without overspending elixir.

Please give her a 2.5 tile charge instead of the damage nerf. This wil be MUCH better for the health of the game I promise.


Why is the Prince and Mega knight evo not getting nerfed? Nerf prince and mega knight evo they are annoying, Also nerf goblin stein