This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Evo Snowball buff is the biggest change ever made to the game
Never cook again CR team
Are there any important interaction-changes regarding the Lava Pups?
Ughh, I know it was bound to happen, but they finnaly reverted the change to Pekka’s range… As a Pekka main, I’m cooked
I know bro I know, just when I maxed my Pekka BS.all those cycle MFs made this happen,they kept complaining until she got a nerf.
I’m pekka main too but we can still manage it
Me too. Probably the lumberjack evo will help which is very good in bridge spams. And also it could probably get some counters out of the meta.
It is interesting that mega knight and e barbs, the biggest loves of midladder menaces, never get nerfs.
Opinion on Dart Goblin nerf and Musketeer buff? Is it going to change anything?
I’m gonna be completely honest and start by saying half the balance changes this month make no sense.
Lava Pup damage nerf makes no sense, as they have both a slow hit speed as well as short range. As they are now, getting a hit from the Pups isn’t as easy as some might think, considering how long it takes for the pups to reach the tower once Hound is destroyed, and Lava Hound has never been known for its damage potential anyways.
Dart Goblin getting its health nerfed also makes no sense, as it’s already quite frail. As a long-time user and fan favorite of the card, health is definitely not the way to go to keep this card “balanced”. DG is one of those cards that most people forget exist until someone plays it, then all of a sudden it’s super strong. Truth is it’s always been a good card, the evo just pushed it to the point of making it so people would actually complain about it.
Evo snowball gets a… range tile buff? For what it does, it’s definitely not worth an evo slot. Hell, this evo needs a rework, this is my suggestion:
Upon placement, it does exactly what it already does BUT once troops are released from the snowball, rather than being slowed down they are temporarily frozen for 1.5 seconds. This gives the evolution more value as… an actual evolution.
Pekka range nerf is WAY too harsh. I’m not quite sure why range of all things is being touched, but Pekka isn’t exactly a strong card (well, besides the literal damage, but that’s not the point here.) Evo Pekka is the only reason why it’s somewhat relevant, as nowadays it’s mainly seen in bridge spam exclusively or as a counter to Mega Knight (which in competitive play isn’t good to begin with) and G-Stein, who has just gotten nerfed as well.
Fire Spirit range buff is also kinda weird to see as Furnace wasn’t mentioned unlike other groups of cards, so maybe this was a mistake on their end? Either way, I’m not sure how much of an impact this’ll actually have, but nice to see this card getting some attention. Musketeer buff also seems a bit underwhelming, but time will tell if this really matters. Everything else is fine.
I won’t talk about other buffs/nerfs that need to be made (because there definitely are more) as this post is already long enough, but anyone who wants to chip in can feel free to do so!
Arrows needs a nerf
Firecracker is annoying maybe a slight nerf
Xbow, little prince’s ability, evo tesla, golden knight, zappies and barbarian hut needs buff
Dart Goblin didn’t get health nerf, he got damage nerf.
My bad, I misread it as health. It’s a small change, so I think this’ll make the card a bit more balanced.