Final Balance Changes for August 2024

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Card change suggestions for the upcoming balance changes (september):

• Magic Archer: Needs to be viable compared to alternatives like evo Firecracker and Evo Bomber. a faster initial attack is great. Also he feels very weak on defense, maybe buff his splash radius or damage.

• Golden Knight: I like best a buff to his multiple dash range. However, HP, or damage buff could increase viability. He needs take out spawning units like goblins, as well.

• Princess: may suggest a buff or rework. She feels weak.

• Ice Spirit Evo: Despite being balanced, its popularity remains low.

• Lava Hound: HP buff recommended to increase survivability due to easily countered by newer high-damage cards like Archer Queen and Phoenix, hunter and other strong supporting units.

• Evo Bats: Initial attack speed boost to enhance survivability.

• P.E.K.K.A: Options include HP increase, faster attack speed, or higher damage to improve efficiency in reaching targets. Pekka usually fails to land the final blow before dying.

• Evo Mortar: Effective when locked onto towers, however higher HP could strengthen the defensive.

• Goblin Giant: Buffs to HP and Spear Goblins to improve its tower-reaching, and to take out troops faster. I feel he underperforms.

• Evo Firecracker and Evo Archers: Strong in cycle decks and is dominant if you don’t have arrows.
This requires always using arrows, thus limits deck variety.

• Giant and Royale Giant: Generally they are ok; potential buffs could make them more effective, particularly for Royale Giant Evolution.

• Goblin Machine: Propose an HP increase, is the best to make it viable.

• Other Ranged Supporting Units: Consider buffs or reworks; for instance, Hunter may benefit from a rework of slightly higher ranged damage and slightly lower close-ranged damage. Witch and other units need considering.

• Spawner Buildings: need considering. Possible rework.

• Non-Little Prince Champions: Deserve buffs.

• Cannon Cart: Requires further increased damage and HP to be decent.

• Bowler: Potential HP nerf may be necessary.

• Graveyard: Acknowledged as potent; requires careful manag

In conclusion, some Evolutions may require unique stat adjustments beyond their original form, however they need to be balanced really well.


I thought the evo drill only spawned one goblin on death submerge already for first, second and death. Is the spawned units being made only 1 for the second submerge, is this different from the first submerge and eventual death of the drill. Could use some clarification with this nerf in general

Also evo wiz needs a knockback nerf over a shield hp nerf imo, not sure how much it is currently but probably nerf it by 0.5 or 1 tile would be a good idea

If arrows requires a crown tower damage nerf then so does log

~knight needs rework with armor evo / hp; too much value
-Elixir Golem needs to be 4 elixir or lower HP; too much value
~Most structures need shorter life span, 10-15sec?
-Lava hound, balloon, golem, electro giant need rework to help matchups
~Level cap needs to return to GQJ; only mode that didn’t feel P2W

+great new card; nice riff on the war alliance shrub card

Average beat down player coming with 75 IQ suggestions

Bro evo wiz finaly balanced ???

Mid lader meneces are going to dine fine with wizard buff

They didn’t just nerf void :pensive: they didn’t listen about void

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Nerf Void instead

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I don’t get why nerfing skeleton dragons due to a bug is a great idea.
Skeleton dragons is already a bad card cause the only deck it rely on is lavahound. It should make it 3 hit against wizard so that it can survive more instead of keep getting distracted and then die to almost everything

EVO GC :cold_face: :cold_face:

Bro who are you responding to?

It’s brokenly overpowered, have you seen it yet? It does like 345 damage every second

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Really ?
Bro banged evo valk in 4 shots and if left alone can fully counter mk bro
Cr devs stop being greedy and once think about the game.

magic archer buff sure i think increase the hit speed a tiny bit

golden night is fine

princess yes

ice spirit evo yes

lava hound tiny buff like 4% damage or hp

evo bats yes

pekka higher damage it’s so dumb that it can’t kill fisherman in one hit

evo mortar yes

goblin giant just got evo

archers and fire cracker fine

maybe royale giants pushback should be as strong as wizards evo explosion is
giant is fine

goblin machine yes

hunter and witch fine

what isn’t fine is goblin demolisher. it’s got too much health and the bomb is way to strong

spawner buildings could all use a small bufff

all champions are fine

cannon cart should only get one. either a small damage boost or a small hp boost not both

bowler definitely needs an hp nerf

graveyard could use an extra skeleton

overall i think game is pretty balanced right now
and only think the goblin demolisher needs a nerf

Prince nerf when???

What you on bro, golden knight really does need a buff.

Please buff the Evo knight shield​:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: