Feature Needed- Tower troop type displayed in a player profile

When looking for different decks to play I noticed that tower troops were only available when looking at the best cr decks or leaderboards tab, but not within a players profile. With different tower troops now available in the game. I think it’d be helpful for players to be able to see what kind of tower troop is being used with each kind of deck. Especially when certain tower troops work better with certain types of decks and to see win rates with different tower troops for same kind of deck would help players differentiate which to use.

PS- Issue was thought of when looking at leaderboard profiles and wanted to see what the pros were cooking to see any hidden op gems to carry a casual like me to UC before they got popular. Haha :sweat_smile:

TL;DR - A feature to see tower troop type and win rates for decks within a player profile, under profile decks tab.