Family clans update

Could you help me update one of the clans of the family

Royale Con Queso - RoyaleAPI

I would like to add another clan to the family and update the tag of one of the clans

You need to update this file:

name: Royale Con Queso
key: queso
color: blue
emblem: Crown_02
  - twitter:
  - discord:
  - website:
- name: Arena Quesito
  tag: 8PQQ0RVP
- name: RoyaleConQueso
  tag: PQJ2Y
- name: RoyaleSinQueso
  tag: '929092'
- name: RoyaleConBBQ
  tag: 2802GPP9
- name: RoyaleJalapeño
  tag: 8V2C0RL2
- name: RoyaleConHuevo
  tag: RLU9URP
- name: RoyalePepinillo
  tag: LJQLJGR
- name: RoyaleConBacon
  tag: 22QUCG0
- name: RoyaleConJamon
  tag: CJQGQ8R
- name: RoyaleConPollo
  tag: VVG99G9

And then submit it as a new issue on Github: Issues · RoyaleAPI/family-config · GitHub

Instructions on how to edit this file can be found here:

We don’t have a WYSIWYG editor for this right now but we can look into it in the future.

YAML is case-sensitive and space-sensitive