EVO ideas for all leftover common cards

Card: Stats boost/cycle cost: Evo concept:
Rascals (vengeance) No stats boost; 2 cycles All rascals get 50% dmg resistance, and the boy gets knockback immunity (the only troop card to have it). If both girls die first, the boy loses resistance and knockback immunity, but is permanently raged. If the boy dies first, both girls lose resistance with a 2 second delay, and become raged.
Fire Spirit (living coals) No stats boost; 2 cycles Units killed by fire spirit turn into weaker fire spirits with 108 HP, (1 shot by princess tower) 152 damage (27.5% reduced damage, 2 kill firecracker) and half the dmg radius.
Electro Spirit (lightning coil) No stats boost; 2 cycles The first unit hit acts like goblinstein’ monster’s tesla coil, as well as the last unit hit. When the chain finally stops, a single pulse of damage is sent between the 2 points, dealing the same damage as electro spirit, and stunning for 0.5 sec.
Goblins (cursed blades) 10% dmg boost (120 > 132) and spawns 1 extra goblin for a total of 5; 2 cycles The first hit each goblin makes on an enemy afflicts the enemy with the goblin curse. This persists until either the goblin that caused it dies, or the targeted unit dies. if a unit is already afflicted, another goblin’s hit will not count as a first hit.
Spear Goblins (javelin quivers) No stats boost; 2 cycles Each spear goblin works like Dagger Duchess, charging up to 3 spears in a row, and throwing them 3 times as fast. after all are thrown, they take 2 seconds to begin recharging them, at the same rate they currently throw them at.
Snowball (frosty wind) No stats boost; 2 cycles A short blizzard (3 sec) is left in the area snowball hits, slowing enemies and dealing 30 dps and 9 crown tower dps (total damage of 269.)
Minions (gamma minions) No stats boost; 2 cycles Each minion’s first 2 shots are thrown at long range, equal to an archer’s. it deals -30% damage to buildings, and -60% to crown towers.
Arrows (wounding curse) No stats boost; 1 cycle If a troop is hit by all 3 waves, it is hit with a weakening curse that makes it take +35% damage from the first source of damage it takes.
Goblin Gang (goblin ritual) No stats boost; 2 cycles All the goblins are spaced out further. a small goblin curse is deployed in the same location as the goblins are deployed, lasting 3 seconds.
Skeleton Barrel (dropship) +33% HP; 2 cycles The barrel gains 1 balloon, for a total of 4. As each balloon pops, the barrel drops 1 skeleton.
Royal Delivery (dark squire) +50% shield HP (360); 2 cycles The recruit spawned attacks in an AOE like dark prince.
Skeleton Dragons (dragon riders) Projectile dmg radius +0.3 tiles; 2 cycles There are 2 skeletons riding each skeleton dragon. When the dragon is killed, it crashes into the ground dealing 145 death damage (same as skelly barrel) and releases the skeletons.
Minion Horde (one for all) No stats boost; 2 cycles Until the first minion has died, all minions take 35% reduced damage, meaning 310 effective HP. (arrows still kill all, and archers still kill a minion in 3 hits)
Elite Barbarians (ironclad tunnel vision) No stats boost; 2 cycles The helmets are more enclosed (like horse blinders), reducing damage from projectile spells and air attacking troops by 25%, and reducing their sight radius by 35%.