Esport name

Hello i want to change my esport information Amir mohamad to (The Noob) my tag #8VLL8JOLU and plz delete my twitter i dont have acces on it

Sorry, this seems to be someone else’s profile, so we can’t approve these changes

No this is my account how can i prove

Hello to api support and happy New year. I just want to delete my Twitter in my account profile beacuse i dont have acces on it and is it possible please change my esport name i want to change my esport name to ( the noob) Acount tag #8VLL8JOLU

Bro why dont u awnser me

Hey plz delete my twiiter id and change my esport name to (The Noob)

HI plz delete my twitter in my profile and change my esport name to (The Noob) tag #8VLL8JOLU

Hey im Amir mohamad and i have a request from best api support team i really aprciete if u follow my request . I just want u delete my twitter in my profile in royaleapi beacuse i dont have accses on and could u please change my esport name to (The Noob) tnx and wish u bests . Player tag #8VLL8JULO

Submit edit requests here

Hey man i have no acces on my twitter no longer i want u to delete my twitter and plz change my esport name to (the noob) i told u the tag #8VLL8JULO

And man i have already fill out this form but i havent got any awnser plz u can do my wants :sweat_smile:

As I said, this seems to be someone else’s profile, so we can’t approve these changes. This decision is final.

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Bro its 100% my account how can i show u u can create a clan then i join or idk i can send u Friend link i have Many screen shots of my account bro i can proof that its my account u just let me

Bro i anoyyed u alot today but u should let me to proof u its my account as i said i have many screen shot of account or i can send u friend link or i can create a clan tgen u join any thing u say i can do just trust