Elite Levels - 2023 Q2 Summer Update (June 2023)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/elite-levels-2023-q2-update
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This would be great… If there was any reason behind Level 15

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Would it be worth it to use the 100 gems from overflowing books for gc’s to get the most elite wild cards or should the book always be converted if the rarity is already all lvl 14?

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If i already have all the cards needed for an upgrade for a entire rarity but i didn’t spend the gold yet will i still be able to convert magic items of that rarity?

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Is that a super magical chest…?

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The EWC value for season shop is a lot more for the on-going season. If you count all commons, wild cards and the book of cards you get 17,900 EWC for 56,500 season tokens.


From what I see another place where we can get more cards would be by Shard Overflow, specially for pass diamond players.

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Exactly how you said it. This seems to be the start of a new era for the Clash Royale economy, not for the community :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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We are going to see meta shifts to troops that perform well when over-leveled eg; elite barbs, royal giant, graveyard, etc…

Also, imagine the backlash when they nerf said cards in balance updates given the resource/time investment players will have into those troops… honestly, they are shooting themselves in the foot if they are trying to win back the community.


So when reading how Elite Levels work in junction with extra copies of non-maxed cards, there was the following excerpt:

Another thing to keep in mind is that without overflow conversion into gold, you can collect more cards than you’ll ever need to level up. As long as a card is below level 14, you can collect up to 50K extra copies. For example, you could potentially have 50,020/20 Miners. Once you finally level up that card to 14, the remaining cards are automatically converted into EWC.

Legendary cards such as Miner will have a conversion rate of 1:200 (1 legendary = 200 EWC’s). The max. capacity is 400’000 EWC’s, meaning that if the extra copies of the Miner are converted 1:200 when upgrading to lvl 14, it would result in 10’000’000 EWC’s. So the consequences are that:

  • the conversion of any rarity of extra copies is 1:1 to accomodate the limit or
  • the conversion is consistent, the overflowing EWC’s will be converted into gold

The second option seems less likey considering the unneccesary high limit of extra copies (a cap of 250 for a legendary card would have sufficed). So I presume that the conversion is 1:1 for any extra copy, no matter the rarity, and that the resulting EWC’s will not be added to the general pot of EWC’s, instead be used on the card they originated from (Miner). In simpler terms, less beneficial conversion rates to already exorbitantly high prices.

Please correct or explain if I’m wrong here, thank you

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I’m gonna be fully honest with you, this update had a lot of potential. The meta was gonna be shifted like hell with card evolutions and the idea of getting a new one every season keeps the game fresh. That part of the update I like. However, the wild cards when released for level 15 may be the final nail in the coffin for this game. The 50,000 you need for 1 upgrade is way to excessive. In comparison, you need roughly 12,000 commons to upgrade a common from level 1 to 14. You would need twice as many commons u earned for getting a card maxed as u need for level 15. And the projections u made were for MAX players to get 2 cards per season. There’s a lot of the player base maybe around half maxed, and myself being only 22 level 14 cards when the update drops, i feel like it will kill the game worse then the update for losers. I know that this message won’t be seen or heard, but if anybody reads this know that I honestly believe this game can survive if the elite wild cards are fixed.

I wish everyone the best of luck during the level 15 phase.

Sincerely, Gloopy Hound, member of Avenging Souls


For a fully maxed player, it will take him 10 years to max out his account. Do you not see something wrong with this supercell?

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This is not the update we need; the stats showing maxing out 1 card per season as a free to play is ONLY if you:
Have all level 14s
Are willing to grind 1h+ per day
Have chests to open daily

It’s going to take more than 100 months to max out your entire card collection. That’s 8.3 years, good luck.
I rounded down also. It’s going to take you 9.0833333 years.

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