Delete profil

hi, I want to delete my esport profile and all registered accounts, I will send you a video from the account, I will prove that I am me

Sorry, not possible, this account has been recently active in esports events

i understand, can we delete registered accounts

hello I have nothing to do with any of the registered accounts can you delete the accounts I mentioned from my profile

TIG Koç パタコズ #2CYL2LVY I want to change my Twitter account because I’m not actively using it new Twitter:@yalcincr

Sorry, these changes won’t be possible either. Try again 3 months after the event has concluded

TIG Koç パタコズ
#2CYL2LVY hello, this account belongs to me, I do not use my old Twitter account New Twitter:@yalcincr you can confirm that it is me from this link

İ haven’t participated in any esports tournament for 3 months

Hello, you can use the following form for your request: RoyaleAPI esports profiles.

Sorry, this won’t be possible given that it’s a CRL participant. You can request it again once the 2023 edition concludes. CRL results cannot be transferred between accounts.

Hello would it be possible to Remove a profile I have from an account as the names are different compared to the main name? Thanks