Dart Goblinl Evolution - January 2025 (Season 67)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/dart-goblin-evolution-new-card-2025-january

So you are telling me that beat down players now have to deal with both Evo P.E.K.K.A and now this. As a cycle player(Miner, Hog, Mortar, and Log Bait I enjoy playing) I can’t help but feel bad for them…

need a overall nerf:
toxic range: 1.5→1 tiles
3-tier damage: -34%
darts to 3-tier: 8
duration: 4→2s

Stage 1 Damage 51→30 -40%
Crown Tower Stage 1 Damage 12→7 -40%
Stage 2 Damage 115→80 -30%
Crown Tower Stage 2 Damage 28→20 -30%
Stage 3 Damage 307→153 -50%
Crown Tower Stage 3 Damage 76→38 -50%
Duration 4→3 seconds -25%
All poisons activated upon death are now removed

But I’ll purchase pass royale

Keep in mind they are probably nerf it after a couple seasons and then kill it.