Method 1 use basically an average. It’s interesting but not is important to daily war projection
Method 2 gives you a projection that day. Do we have possibilities today to win the war?
I’m sure that players in clans where everybody plays have asked for this improvement several times here. For clans in low categories i think they don’t help really to know if they will win that day or not. I’m sure they know wich capabilities have their opoonents. in many cases, you only needs if you play with more players than the others ones. But if you have similar values, i understand that method 1 is interesting.
But in high categories, everybody plays with 50 players, and the day ends very tied
A good formula for us is:
What do you think if you add the two values? the first one is interesting. You see wich average have this clan in week (when we begin a week, we see his results to know how ill be our new opponents).
But you don’t know if a clan with bad/good average will have a good/bad one the current day
I suppose is difficult to explain a lot of values, but you could add a little help in that page to explain it. Or show a little help when you put your mouse over some values. You could use only this value if average is over 100 medals, for example, and empty for low average.
In my example:
PLAYERS = 193 / 200
AVERAGE = 30916
SIMULATION_200PLAYERS = 31400 + 154.58 * 7 = 32482
197/200 154.58 → 30916 / 32482 (average/simulation)
I’m very happy with information that you already added. Now, i use above formula (PROJECTION_200PLAYERS) to calculate which possibilities we have before the day ends. But it would be very good if i you would add this value on your page.
It seems you that is not good to add this value. But if you use some help to explain it, then i think everybody can understand why are two values calculated
Thanks for all your answers. Best Regards,