Búsqueda de jugadores

Hola! Necesito encontrar mis cuentas llamadas “,I” pero no puedo porque hay +92.000 resultados, podrían mostrarme solo las cuentas con ese nombre?

Hi there! I need to find my accounts named “, I” but I can’t because there are +92,000 results, could you show me only the accounts with that name?

Unfortunately, that name will render too many results and we can’t search it for you.

Gracias, podrian mejorar su contenido cambiando que cuando buscas a una persona en el buscador solo te aparezcan los jugadores con ese nombre, no los que en su nombre contienen ese digito o digitos.

Thanks, you could improve your content by changing that when you search for a person in the search engine, only players with that name appear, not those that contain that digit or digits in their name.

If it’s helpful to know, I have done the search and can’t find any results with the name , I in our database. You should get your player profile by player tag instead.

There are however three players I can find that match ,I

If that’s what you’re after, here they are:

We don’t have any more results.

So you founded 3 right? But I have more than 3 accounts what the name is “,I”, if you dont have more results, can you show me the results with “,l” (a , and a L minuscule).

We don’t know every single player accounts by name. We only know player accounts by name if someone has accessed pages with that player accounts — for example, someone accessing player profiles, clan pages, or leaderboards.

To access player profiles, please search by player tags.

It did not help me much, in the same way thanks for the help.

Tengo otra consulta, podrías mostrarme el historial completo de trofeos de esta cuenta: ,I #88RG8QGJ8. Gracias.

No trophy history if the account is not accessed before.

Sorry I did not understand, how or where do you want me to access the account?

Trophy history section shows last 16 weeks of data. That’s it. No more.