Agrega Twitter y país a mi perfil #VLQR2LJRL
Hello, you can use the following form for your request: RoyaleAPI esports profiles.
Solicité mi perfil de esports y al no recibir respuesta supongo que algo hice mal o no cumplí los requisitos que dice que debes tener , pero quisiera saber cuáles son
I already applied for a esports profile and I haven’t any answer , some can tell me anything about it
We don’t answer requests. More information is available here:
I am in the Supremacy Girls league and as far as they told me if I don’t have my esports profile I won’t be able to get the insignia, could someone help me please?
Hello, you can use the following form for your request: RoyaleAPI esports profiles.
I already request the form but I haven’t received anything, I also read the” rules “ but I really need it to have my Supremacy logo
The FAQ linked above has all the information we can provide you.