This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Man, it’s a shame it’s only a temporary event and only 2 weeks. I hope there’s any consideration to make this permanent after the event is gone
Is this for people on a specific arena to join. Like what I mean is can an arena one join or is the requirement like level 11
You’ll have to be in Arena 7 (Trophy Road)
What is that arena again? Snowy peak?
It is mentioned that if many people use it, then it might be added as a permanent mode
One thing which might be better is slightly better rewards for completing the casual league or some decent rewards for the competitive league.
Good rewards incentivize people to play the mode.
For example I disliked the goblin queens journey but I just spent a day and went to 4k trophies cause decent rewards. I do like the competitive league being structured like UC in PoL, that is a good system
May be bit off topic but I wish they made more ways of spending gold rather than giving it as a reward. I’m at a point where I get more and more gold by playing the game casually and don’t have anything to upgrade as every card requires EWC. Would be cool to have an alternate way that would make converting gold to ewc more accessible even if the ratio wasn’t good. I find myself buying out all gold offers from regular shop and the weekly 5000 ewc yet still gain more gold than I can spend. I can see getting a lot of gold as a good thing for lower level players but it doesn’t help higher level players as cards are essentially the resource for progression.
We all want 2v2 ladder permanently and fix it ASAP