2v2 Ladder with external application

Nice to meet you :grinning:, I am a CR player from Japan :jp: and always use RoyaleAPI. Thank you very much. My English is not very good, so sorry it is hard to communicate.

【Main topic of discussion】
I contacted you because I wanted to make something like 2v2 Ladder (or I wanted you to make it).

I saw official articles and videos why 2v2 Ladder is difficult.
The main reason is that “allies quit in the middle.”

To solve this problem, we need to add VC function.
By using external apps, it is possible to have fun by separating in-game rewards from the game. (titles rather than rewards(gold and cards etc.)).

【Concrete countermeasures】
I would like to create a Discord server where people can enjoy 2v2 using Discord bot :robot:. (Or, I want you to create it.)
Currently I am envisioning a server that would be based on Mario Kart Central

【Use case】
1.Player registration (I plan to create a webpage)
Register Discord ID, Clash Royale Player Tag , (and If you register your friend’s CR Tag, we will give you priority.)

2.Confirmation of participation request (In Discord)
The bot will periodically confirm your participation request, and if you wish to join, you can announce your participation with the command (/can).

3.Create a VC channel and a text channel for 2-person pairs.

4. Create a clan and have friend battles within the clan.

5. Use the API to obtain battle histories tied to player tags and award trophies accordingly.

6. Repeat 2-5.

In 5, I am thinking of using the developerAPI or scraping from the RoyaleAPI csv to obtain the match results.
I am not sure if I am allowed to use these two methods, so I would like to ask for permission.(Naturally, I will do this on a non-profit basis.)

Thanks for reading this far and I look forward to RoyaleAPI’s replies. Also, if anyone else has any opinions, please let me know. :grinning:

Besides the “allies quitting in the middle” problem, there is the “the population of participating pairs may be smaller.”
However, QLASH’s 2v2 is held once a week, and there are consistently about 100 pairs registered to participate. Also, Mario Kart Central Lounge, (which I would like to refer to), currently has over 10,000 participants. (The discord server has over 20,000 participants). Perhaps Clash Royale has a larger playing population than Mario kart, so I don’t think the population will ever be smaller.

【Please reply】
Whether it is possible or not, I would like to hear your opinion.
If my English is not good enough and you don’t understand something, please ask me a question. Thank you in advance. :kissing_heart:

I’ve thought about it a bit, and it seems like the easiest way to get the match results(use case5) would be to use Postman(https://www.postman.com/) and use the GET method of the http request. (I have a little experience with postman.)
The web scraping method is not very sensible, as it might overload the server (I don’t think it would be that big of a load.)

As for the remaining issues,
If we can create a Discord Bot using the discord.py library, I feel it is technically feasible.

Hi. It’s not possible for you to do it because the endpoint you seek is only available to supercell partners (QLASH is one, we are one, etc)

Regarding doing it for you — if the product is not ours, it’s against our terms with supercell to make it for someone else.

Regarding doing it for ourselves and just let you build the front end — we don’t have the bandwidth to take on this project right now.

We have actually built something s long time ago to support it but the player reception is too low for me to want to invest more time on it.

For us. In order to make it worthwhile , it needs at least 50k users who want to play in it. To just have 100 users who is interested, it’s just not worth our time especially since we have to provide it for free.

Thank you for answering my questions yesterday.
I understand that it is against the terms and conditions as the endpoints of this system are only available to Supercell partners.

I am sorry to bother you, but I would like to ask you again.

  1. Is there a way to become a Supercell Partner?
    Is it difficult to ask the Japanese creator “kentsumeshi” to help me become a Supercell Partner?

  2. If it is difficult for me to become a Supercell Partner.
    Is it difficult for QLASH or RoyaleAPI to operate on the basis of my prototype instead of me?
    As you mentioned, I don’t think I have too many users (players), so I don’t think the operating costs are that high.

Prototype description:
Homepage:🏆2v2 Ladder
Discord server:CR 2v2 Ladder

Some people have been participated in verification testing, but this system does not release and operation.

You can’t become a Supercell Partner to start building a product.

You first have to build a successful product, and then you may be accepted as a partner. Don’t base your project on the matchmaking API, because that’s not a valid staring point.

Thank you for the reply.

About MMAPI(MatchMaking API):
(Maybe I can’t understand the MMAPI, I don’t know…)
I think my prototype does NOT use MMAPI. All matches will be played in friend battles inside a clan, am I using the MMAPI?
I am not going to build a very large system. I want to create a community where 2v2 can be enjoyed. Within that community, I want to rank them by virtual :trophy: and have fun.

About Supercell Partner:
If they become Supercell Partner, they Can built a product.
To be a Supercell Partner, they have to build a successful product.
There seems to be a contradiction.
I am not very good at English, so I apologize if I have misunderstood you.

Friendly battles though a clan or friend list are not the matchmaking API. That should be fine as long as you follow Terms of Service and Tournament Guidelines.

About the the creator program, here’s a summary of the steps:
0: everyone has access to basic public tools like the public API
1: you build a successful product for a Supercell game
2: you are invited to the Creator Program
3: you get access to the matchmaking API

Thank you for the reply.

Can I release this prototype on the basis of this prototype as it does NOT use the matchmaking API?
For reference, the prototype is shown how to use it.
Usage of prototype:🏆2v2 Ladder - Usage

Mr. SML told me the image in his reply before this post.
My prototype does not use MMAPI. :arrow_right:Does this mean that I can release this prototype without becoming a Supercell Partner?
As I mentioned earlier, I just want to create a community where people can enjoy 2v2.I am not going to build a very large system. Within that community, I want to rank them by virtual :trophy: and have fun.

Just use the official API.

DO NOT scrape RoyaleAPI.com

As long as you follow Supercell guidelines you can do whatever you want. Your project should be unrated to RoyaleAPI.com

Thank you for your reply.

I will just only use official API(developerAPI). I will NOT scrape RoyaleAPI.com.

I will ask the official Clash Royale support in game as well.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions!
I apologize for my poor English, as I can not speak it.

I hope RoyaleAPI continues to grow!