2023 Q1 Game Update - Update for Losers!

I’m a long term player (6 years) and supercell are just cash grabbing as Clash Royale has become over loaded with unnecessary Gimmicks. The original game play has not changed, it was an awesome platform, now we have banners, crowns etc that add nothing to gameplay but takes time away from leveling up. With level 15 cards on the way it seems to me Supercell have lost their way with this one.

I think the adage, Keep it Simple Supercell (Stupid = Supercell) is appropriate here as the game has lost its charm. Pass Royale now has two levels, you get less bang for your buck and players are leaving in droves. Our clan is smashing every week, we are not being challenged unlike in the past. New quality recruits are few and far between.

I think the game is in a shamble as it has been overloaded with crap and we as users are expected to pay for this indulgence by Supercell, i will be signing out from this game as I feel that Supercell are not doing enough for the gameplay to justify increasing costs. I suspect numbers have dwindled and now they expect the remaining few to bankroll a game that has lost its way.

In the latest update the pass makes no sense, book of books and magic coin made it worth the spend but i must say the removal of these have killed it for me. I’m going the way of many, this will be my last season because i cannot see any benefits in the recent changes other than cash grabbing! Supercell will no longer receive my funds.

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If you are head of content you should be dragged over the coals. This game has become a steaming turd over the past 24 months!

You are clueless if you think that players want all these new gimmicks, it does nothing but take away from the simple enjoyment of challenging others! Enjoy life without me!

Guys, I’m not a fan of this update, but we should not be insulting the Supercell team as that will change nothing. SC needs constructive criticism, not crippling insults that only hurt people. There is still hope for the game my fellow comrades, as the people in charge surely hear our pleas for change. If you’ve been aware of what Supercell has been posting in the recent weeks, you should know that they’ve made pledges to fix the problems (albeit that takes time to imply). Therefore, do not lose heart quite yet my friends, as it is just a bad update, nothing majorly deal breaking as of yet.
I hope you shall take pause to consider my words, and let it cool your heart. Thank you for your time and have a good one.