2023 Q1 Game Update - Update for Losers!

I heard that they have removed Pass Royale for lower arenas. I have one account with 0 trophies so I can’t use the pass anymore, right?

this will make the game p2w a lot. 2500 season tokens don’t make up for all the wildcards, the book, the royale wild chest and the chest keys. plus making it more like the fortnite battle pass it would be way harder to actually enjoy grinding as f2p since you get rewards only like 1 of the 3 times you reach a new step.

I hoped they would keep the free and gold pass and then add another daimond one on the rightside of the free one. and then a seasontoken vault instead of the gold vault.giving the free pass 50 tokens for every 5 crowns to a max of 10000, the gold pass 100 tokens for every 5 crowns to a max of 20000, and the daimond one 150 tokens for every 5 crowns to a max of 30000.

the event remake is fire. except the fact that you can’t get crowns, because that was my main income of crowns

Bruh lmfao. Some random kid is going to get the Archer Queen in arena 10.

When is this coming out? I thought it was April 3rd, but now I’m seeing things that say March 27th.

My Archer Queen is maxed. If I buy the diamond pass, would the Queen be converted to 40,000 gold, or changed to a random champion?

You’ll most likely get 40,000 Gold since that is the normal logic. We weren’t told of any special logic to handle any pass items.

Clash royale is going to die again. Archer Queens are going to be in every arena, free to plays can no longer max cards out, I am a free to play and I maxed my mini pekka out, but I needed so many magic items that I got from the season pass. If this update comes, the ones who pay will either destroy others, and those who don’t will be annihilated.

They created a problem with events and botched the rework, there never was a problem with ranked and they botched the rework, there never was a problem with the pass and they botched the rework, there never was a problem with the clan chest and they botched not one but two reworks. You don’t entice more players to play by making it harder to progress you make it easier to progress and instead of cards being converted to gold when you get maxed you should either get to choose starpoints or a low conversion of gems and make the progression post max about making your cards and profile look cool

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Thanks for the information. However, it seems you ought to remove the 2v2 friendly battle from the description. I started a 2v2 before I started to read the update information and I almost finished writing this comment before I got a match.

I can’t even get a 1v1 or 2v2 match to start in the events tab within 5 minutes.

Yeah, same here. It takes forever to load a match.

Also, is there a way to gain a book of cards from the season shop without spending gems to increase your daily cap? It seems to me the only way to get it is to save 1,750 gems.

The season boosts last for a day only. The most effective way to get more tokens is to buy one every day instead of getting to 8000 for 1750 gems. For example, if you spend 100 gems for 17 days, you’ll get a 34000 tokens. In contrast, if you spend 1750 gems in a day then you’ll only get 8000 + 16000 = 24000 after 17 days.

I use 17 days here only because it compares easily with the “spend 1750 gems” vs “spend the minimum required daily” scenario.

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First of all I have this question: the things we buy in this shop are going to exceed the cap of the magic items or it doesn’t work the same as the shop?

I really don’t like the re-work in the pass royale, no Magic Coins, no Book of Books. At least a couple of Champions WildCard should be in there, I have a maxed account and the Diamond Tier is not worthy for me, it’s 6 USD for 500 Gems and Animated Banner, the rest of the things I don’t need it in this moment, maybe when they add the level 15.

The new events tab is good, I don’t have any complaint and it is easy to complete the daily cap. Now we are going to have at least 5 modes to play. Nice for masteries and other things.

One of the things that I don’t like but I understand is that now only the crowns of ranked and trophy road count for the pass. I never cared about ladder or path of legends. At least is a motivation to play a little more.

The season shop is a good change, let’s see what things they add in a full season in the season shop.

I was a liitle bit surprised that we don’t have new masteries!

Been playing now for about 8-9 months, and have bought pass every month because it was worth it to get the book of books and the magic coin. Everything else was a nice bonus but those were the main attractions. I wont be buying any passes from now on until I see that it’s worth it.

I even started a second account 2 months ago to help my clan and bought pass on that account too. I was actually having fun on my new account until this death update dropped and made me quit overnight.
I’m stuck at an arena cap at 5k trophies until I hit KL30… now the simple fact is that I cannot get chests from this idiotic events mode change that forces me to play ladder to get a chest. I’m not risking losing trophies (without the option to gain any) to get a chest. Also I’m not risking my 210-5 record on ladder just because they didn’t use their brains when releasing this update.

Furthermore, 95% of my playtime was spent playing 2v2 or casual 1v1 to grind masteries or crowns for the 25k gold bank. Making all cards capped at lvl 11 in this new events mode has killed any motivation for me to grind masteries, and I cant get crowns. So 95% of my playtime is now gone, and the other 5% Is stuck waiting until I progress (which is now nearly impossible because I cant get chests in order to progress). Well played… wow. Oops.

Hopefully if enough people quit/dont buy any passes they will realize quickly how bad they screwed up and fix it. But that’s wishful thinking…

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So you did buy then :confused:

Need some clarification on your Pass Graphic.

In your Where Is the Gold blog post, you valued the Gold Pass (Gold + Reward Conversion) at 1,042k.

How come in this post you only value the Old Premium Pass at 544k?

We chose to display the Book of Books separately for this analysis, so it’s not included in the “total value”.

The main reason was that giving it the maximum value of 800K gold and adding it together would distort the comparison excessively. The other rewards have mostly fixed values, so we thought it made sense to separate them.

In the “Where is the gold?” we took the perspective of optimal resources to be earned. So just as we displayed a maximum amount of monthly donations, we also added the maximum value of the Book of Books.

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I have spent no money on this game.