WIP Balance Changes for June 2023 (Season 48)

nowhere to be seen

These are my thoughts on the June balance changes.

Baby Dragon: This change is fairly unnecessary. Not only does it change basically nothing, but the card is already balanced with a 6-7% use rate and a 48-51% win rate and isnā€™t exactly outclassed by anything. Instead of this change, I would buff Tesla, Goblin Giant, or Pekka. All these cards are on the weaker side and actually need some sort of help.

Goblins: Even though I use them, they 100% needed a nerf. For 2 elixir you could stop practically everything. Hopefully this change will make them worse at surrounding and somehow killing splash cards.

Ice Wizard: I think this change is well deserved. the Ice Wizard is really only used in Splashyard and some very occasional X-Bow and Golem decks. I hope the spawn radius buff will help it just enough to be used more again. Even though I would prefer a damage buff since this thing canā€™t even 2 shot Goblins.

Night Witch: This scares me a lot! The death bats being back might make her extremely annoying again and could cause a toxic Golem Night Witch meta to arise. If you want to buff Night Witch, I would have just increased her spawn speed by 1 second.

Skeleton Dragons: This buff was long overdue and needed to happen. For the longest time, they have been secluded to Fireball bait and some Lava Hound decks and even there they were bad. I hope this buff will bring them to be a balanced card. Similar to how the Rascals were after the buff yet before people started spamming Huts.

Battle Healer: While I do think she needs a buff, a spawn heal might make her used in Golem decks and paired with the Night Witch buff, could make Golem pushes even more unstoppable than they already are. To prevent this, I would just increase her damage to make it so she can 1 shot Spear Goblins instead.

Poison: Poison has been used just too much since the Archers meta arose nearly half a year ago. I think a crown tower damage reduction was a good strategy to prevent Miner cycle decks from just being able to spam Miner Poison until they take out your tower.

Goblin Hut: You already know how I feel.

Mighty Miner: Mighty Miner has been used too much for a couple months now, so I think a nerf is justified. However, nerfing the health is not a good way to do it. The last time they nerfed itā€™s hp by 8%. from this, it became an underused and weak card. With an extra 6.5% health nerf it will have even less health than before, almost surely making it the worse champion again. Instead I would increase the amount of time between each stage of damage. For example stage 1 takes like 2.5 seconds to go to stage 2 which takes like 4 seconds to go to stage 3. Nerfing it in a way where it can still tank good damage, yet dish it out slower.

Ice Spirit: For a while, the Ice Spirit has been far too easy to defend with due to the long freeze duration. So I think a 0.1 second reduction is a good way to still make it worth while, yet not overbearing.

Those were my thoughts on the W.I.P balance changes. Overall, they kind of scare me.

Card Balances to Consider:
Goblin Giant damage increase by 6%
Tesla hit speed decreased by 0.1 seconds
Royal Giant first attack time increased by 0.1 seconds
Lightning damage decrease by 5%
Wizard/Witch rework
Hog Rider first attack time increased by 0.1 seconds
Arrows radius 4 tiles to 3.5 tiles
Graveyard nerf of some kind
Phoenix hit speed increased by 0.1 seconds
Bomb Tower HP decreased by 7%


Same opinions as you dude

My personal balance changes for these would instead be:

Baby Dragon: Actually a good change that makes him harder to distract and less vulnerable to certain technical interactions like the Archers split.

-Removed Staggered Deployment
(OG: Staggered Deployment time increased from 0.1 seconds to 0.2 seconds)
Staggered deployment gives Goblins too many advantages over Skeletons. Namely dropping them directly on top of a charging Dark Prince or Valkyrie. Increasing the time between staggered spawns realistically does nothing.

Ice Wizard:
-Removed Spawn and Area Damage
-Damage increased by 200% (90 ā†’ 270)
-Hit speed interval reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 1.7 seconds. DPS increased from roughly 33 to 180)
(OG: Spawn damage radius increased from 2.5 tiles to 3 tiles)
If I were in charge of the gameā€™s balancing, Iā€™d want to move the Ice Wizard away from crowd control and re-purpose him as a lethal single target unit. Anytime the Ice Wizard in his current form becomes too prevalent, it always follows up with a boring defensive meta. This would give him an interesting use case as to be a strong combat-oriented ranged unit who doesnā€™t need to worry so much about over-leveling. Which is another issue with the current Ice Wizard.

Night Witch: Honestly not even sure how to change her while keeping her identity in-tact and not break her simultaneously.

Skeleton Dragons: Great changes. They can survive small spell combos and will get nifty skips against most cycle card placements.

Battle Healer:
-Hit-points increased by 5% (1717 ā†’ 1802)
-Damage increased by 40% (148 ā†’ 207)
-Hit speed interval reduced to 1.4 seconds (From 1.5 seconds. DPS increased from roughly 99 to 147)
-Removed self-healing and passive self-regeneration
-Heal radius reduced to 2.5 tiles (From 4 tiles)
(OG: Added 2.5 tile spawn heal radius)
The addition of healing on spawn for the Battle Healer is a band-aid fix for a fundamentally broken card. These changes I proposed let her be more effective in combat without her over-abundance of gimmicks. Killing faster by herself, but also acting as a double-edged sword in the sense that with her killing faster, sheā€™ll also heal less for her friendlies.

Poison: Wouldā€™ve proposed removing the slowing effect but reducing tower damage works too to reign in the Earthquake that hits air.

Goblin Hut: I really got no comment for this because itā€™s going to suck again and thatā€™s really the sad fate of Spawners not named Tombstone.

Mighty Miner: Reducing his range to Melee: Medium couldā€™ve worked as well, but Iā€™m just as contempt with taking off a good amount of his hit-points. Heā€™s way too hard to kill.

Ice Spirit:
-Freeze duration increased to 1.5 seconds (From 1.3 seconds)
-Area damage radius reduced to 1 tile (From 1.5 tiles)
(OG: Freeze duration reduced from 1.3 seconds to 1.2 seconds)
Also a controversial take, but nerfing the Ice Spiritā€™s freeze duration does little to nothing to stop him from being overpowered. Nerfing the splash radius instead of the freeze duration would put a more stark contrast between him and the Electro Spirit and reign in his absurd area denial for 1 elixir.

Where is tesla buff ?

Honestly, why nerf the Mighty Miner?

By nerfing him, his usage rates will plummet and heā€™ll become a worse champion again

I absolutely LOVE the nightwitch buff, this is exactly what sheā€™s needed as sheā€™s been far too bad for far too long. however i think the goblin hut nerf isnā€™t enough and it will continue to be a pain

Battle Healer and Night Witch are the reworks here, not Baby Dragon and Goblins.

They are amazing reworks though. They will help these two cards a lot.

But some other changes are a joke. They keep ruining the standardization of certain stats. After killing the Charging Troops standardization, now they do the same to the Swarm Deployment, which is horrible.

Night witch is gonna be op, especially combined with poison nerf. Death bats have always made night witch op, it is just so hard to defend the bats she spawns, kill her, and then defend her bats again.

Battle healer buff is gonna bring back 3m into the meta. Basically she is now a 4 elixir heal spell + tank for the 3m which seems really op.

With the poison nerf Miner poison is now a dead archetype, only to be used by one tricks now. With the ice spirit nerf and MM nerf, 2 cards often seen in miner poison, Iā€™m pretty sure nobody is gonna be using miner poison in top ladder successfully.

Supercell needs to think of a different way to buff healer and NW. I do agree that they are both weak cards, but this will make NW and healer broken. The only way to make battle healer balanced is to completely rework the card. Something like more dmg more health and less heal. Healer should fill the role of a mini tank more than the role of healing an entire push.

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Rework barb hut. We have buffed all the other building a while ago it need a rework. History of Clash Royale's Worst Building - YouTube has a good idea. Summary the idea is to make the first wave 4.5 or 5 secounds after placement and give it more health and better spawn speed this means troops can get a few hits before its start spwaning making it not completely OP.

Skeleton dragons shouldnā€™t be healthier, they need more damage. Also Flying Machine since that thing is so annoying to kill.
Mighty Miner is weaker than when it got the nerf to put it in the dirt, wth.
If theyā€™re buffing healer then at least nerf E-Golem.

Monthly changes please, this stupid Goblin Hut meta has been going on for 2 months.

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the poison nerf was useless and the goblin hutā€™s death spawn should still be 3 goblins but the spawn rate should be lowered, also skeleton dragons will still die to everything, what they really need is a dmg buff, the rest is great

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If Bbd and icewiz are getting buffed, golem/e-golem beatdown is getting indirectly buffed (NW, healer), and poison is getting nerfed, i suggest nerfing/reworking the gy as well (or at least splashyard), as it seems everything is in his favor and it is a top 3/4 wincon already.

Goblins are one of the most op cards right now to use on defense because there is no spell that takes them out efficiently for an even trade. Right now they survive zap/snowball, barb barrel canā€™t reach them effectively so the only decent 2 elixir spell counter is log and they still get value unless you predict. But this change makes them better vs spells, and especially Log, i think prediction log might not kill the last goblin to spawn or maybe even 2 because of the deploy delay. I think instead of this deploy change they should make zap kill goblins(zap is underused right now even in duels), to compensate give goblin barrel impact damage and give the gang a bigger spread or this kinda buff so the 2 elixir spells can miss 1 or 2 goblins from the gang, drill i think will be fine with no changes since zap will only be able to counter the death spawn after drill dies, so it will be a worse counter than log/barb barrel

Poison got a buff which made it get itā€™s slowness effect back and this is the true reason why it returned to the meta as a top pick. Your arguments are useless.

But if the slowness effect is the problem then why not nerf it instead of tower damage? Make it maybe 10% slower instead of 15% or just make all the spells do 25% tower damage

Because if the slowness effect is reduced. It will go back to be mediocre as before. This tower damage reduction will keep poison being meta, but it wont be spammed with miners to spell cycle as much.

But if you make poison do 40 less to towers than fireball it would be completely useless. Instead you need to make all spells bat for spell cycle, then rocket would be better again

Guess what? Poison got a buff at Sep 6 2021,and its usage stayed around 7% in 2022 and before monk and phoenix, while fireball was around 20% to 30%. After phoenix and monk, poison rised to 20 and fireball fell to 20.
You know nothing about usage ,it is your comment that is useless.

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Fireball and rocket were nerfed. Rocket nerf leaves poison as the best option for spell cycling which is the most viable method to win in the game and supercell, probably the majority of the community does not want the game to be played like this.