I think its not a good idea to buff recruits at all, extremely un-fun conceptually of a card to play against. I like most of the other changes - however I do feel though stein needs a bigger nerf - it has been dominating the game in like 80% of decks for months now so I don’t see why it wouldn’t receive a nerf at a minimum just to switch up the meta. I hope clash royale dev team can appreciate that stats only show half the picture - for example with firecracker - even though statistically it may not be broken it is an extremely unfun card to play against. I think cards that are unfun to play against should have priority in being nerfed. Royal chef also blatantly needs a nerf.
Archer Queen does not need that nerf
Cannon Cart change is good
Fisherman change is good
Ram Rider change is good
Evolution Bomber change is good
Evolution Goblin Barrel is going to become useless with this nerf, so it is better without it
Evolution Ice Spirit change is good
Royal Recruits change is good
Evolution Royal Recruits change is good
Evolution Skeletons change is good
Baby Dragon change is good
Witch buff is good, but not enough, because her Damage needs to be increased by 12% and she should spawn 3 skeletons upon death
Dark Prince buff is good, but not enough, because the charge distance needs to be 2 Tiles, instead of 3
Electro Giant buff is good, but not enough, because his Zap Radius needs to go from 3 to 4 Tiles
Goblin Demolisher change is good
Mighty Miner change is good
Evolution Cannon Cart change is good, but too much, because the Barrage Damage needs to be 332, instead of 353
Evolution Wall Breakers buff is good, but too much, because the Death Damage needs to be increased by 20%, instead of 50%
Lumberjack change needs the nerf of the Rage Duration only
Now I will show my balance changes list, which includes cards, that were in these WIP balance changes, but the changes are entirely different and cards that are not part of these WIP balance changes
Dagger Duchess: Burst Hit Speed: 0.45 > 0.4 sec (-11%), Dagger charge: 0.9 > 0.85 sec (-6%)
Golden Knight: Hitpoints +10%, 40% shield after the ability for 3 seconds
Little Prince: Royal Rescue Damage: 207 > 241 (+16%)(the same damage as a barbarian barrel), Royal Rescue pushback: 2 > 2.5 Tiles (+25%)
Monk: Damage: 140 > 152 (+9%), Combo Damage: 402 > 456 (+8%)
Rascals: Rascal Girls Hitpoints 261 > 304 (+17%)(same hp as archers)
Mini Pekka: Melee Range: 0.8 > 1.2 (+33%)
Goblin Curse: Damage Amplification: 20% > 25% (+25%), Damage per second: 30 > 40 (+33%)
Barbarians: Hitpoints +10% (survive fireball)
Firecracker: Rocket Speed (same as a musketeer`s bullet, so that it doesn’t miss quick moving spirits, spear goblins and etc.)
Evolution Pekka: Heal per death: 282 > 226(-20%) (6% of hp), Max Hitpoints 5640 > 4136 (-27%)
Evolution Goblin Giant: Spawn Speed: 1.5 sec > 2 sec (+33%)
Evolution Goblin Cage: Cycles: 1 > 2 (+100%)
Evolution Mega Knight: Knockback each third hit
Evolution Battle Ram: Gets destroyed after a Crown Tower is hit
Evolution Wallbreakers: Damage Increase 76.5% > 50% (-16.5%)
Evolution Mortar: Hit Speed Increase (removed)
Graveyard: Skeleton Spawn (Non-RNG)
Goblinstein: Elixir cost: 5 > 6 (+20%); Doctor: Hitpoints: 885 > 837 (-5%), Damage: 92 > 107 (+14%); Monster: Damage: 128 > 152 (+19%); Lightning Link Damage: 107 > 86 (-20%)
Wizard: Elixir Cost: 5 > 4 (-20%), Damage -20%
Goblin Machine: Ranged Attack Minimum Range: 2.5 > 3 (+20%), Hitpoints +5%, Hit Speed: 0.9 > 0.8 (+11%), Damage: 135 > 136 (+1%)
Barbarian Hut: 6 > 4 Elixir (-33%), Spawn Count: 3 > 2 (-33%), Hit Points -27% (same hp as a goblin hut)
Goblin Hut: 5 > 4 Elixir (-20%), Spawn Speed: 11.5 sec > 14.5 sec (3 Waves > 2 Waves), Spawn Count: 3 > 2 (-33%), 2 spear goblins always shooting and deploying after the building gets destroyed
Furnace: 4 > 3 Elixir (-25%), Spawn Speed: 5 sec > 7.5 sec (6 Waves > 4 Waves), Hit Points -37.5% (same hp as a tombstone)
Cycle player spotted
Here are the necessary additional patches for the previously posted content.
Fisherman: Slow Duration 2.5→2.0 seconds -20%
Balloon: HP 1680→1484 -12%
Lumberjack: Damage Buff Cancel
Dart Goblin: First Hit Time: 0.35→0.45 seconds +29%
Cannon, Cannon Cart: Damage 212→192 -9% (HP patches for Cannon Cart’s shield and main body are applied as per the previous patch)
Cannon Evolution: Damage 212→192 -9%, Rocket Cannon Damage 320→370 +15%, Rocket Cannon Range 2.5→3.0 tiles
- Ok. 2. Yes. 3. Duration 2.50 to 1.75 sec. 4.Yes 5.Yes 6. Bug fix? Yes. 7. Visual Indicator 0.5sec. 8.Yes. 9.Small and Medium heal ok. Don’t apply Large heal.. 10.Yes. 11.Yes 12.Yes 13.Yes 14.Yes 15.Yes 16.Yes. 17.Yes 18.Good! 19.Yes 20.Yes 21.Yes. 22. Don’t +50%> +30%. 23.Yes. 24. Don’t Duration 5.5 >5.0sec, buff damage ok.
My balance change: Barbarians(Buff): survival Fireball , Earthquake(REWORK): Damage to buildings, cost building: Cost 3 Elx: dmg 90%HP, Cost 4: dmg 75%HP Cost 5: dmg 70%HP, cost 6 dmg 65%HP!, Poison(REWORK): Damage to buildings: Cost 3: dmg 90%HP Cost 4, 5, 6: dmg 60%HP.
So we are bringing back production buildings and balancing spells and increasing the popularity of barbarians. Its BEST REWORK AND CHANGE. SUPERCELL APPLY CHANGE PLEASE.
Archer Queen nerf was necessary, there were MANY times where the card could get several abilities down within the same sequence. I’d say this was the best of all the balance changes here.
Amazing!! Cannon cart needed the rework. It shouldn’t survive on 1hp every other push and then have you spend an entire extra elixir on it whereas the card already gives insane value for the cost in the decks it works well in.
Fisherman’s nerf is a bit harsh, this means that certain cards like valkyrie and prince will now get more shots on the fisherman than what’s fair, causing the fisherman to have less hp, being easily spelled down or dying entirely. It prevents counter-pushing in some niche scenarios so maybe a lesser nerf like 1.75 or 2.0s is enough. But even if this goes through it’s niche interactions
Amazing. No issues here, please make it 21-22% HP nerf instead so it dies to fireball aswell. Being 5 elixir with better stats than rascals, an ability able to counter any swarm for a positive trade, surviving a fireball AND counterpushing. A suggestion would be to nerf the ability’s duration by 1s (25%) from 4s → 3s. The issue isn’t really doing too much damage it’s the fact that the doctor gets the opportunity to lock onto the tower because you can’t distract it because you basically lose, either the opportunity to get a positive or neutral trade by placing cycle cards on it, or you have to place a mini tank (2 or more) elixir on it. So either nerf the ability duration, range or ability dps aswell.
I know supercell is scared of giving cards big nerfs but this is insane. This nerf does nothing for the power of the card it makes the princess tower need one less shot on it which sometimes doesn’t even matter because the ram is behind a tank, its unjust that ram rider itself is stronger than evolution battle ram. Atleast nerf the tower damage if you can only choose one thing to nerf to prevent overbalancing.
Perfect evolution, perfect balance change. This is what balancing should look like. Bomber still gets value, it still forces the opponent to spend slightly more but it isn’t overwhelmingly strong like it was on release. You basically can’t lose an entire tower to three bounces on your tower anymore and it keeps true to the original bomber, well done supercell.
I can see the vision, well done again. Not alot to say, this card is only good in one archetype and this balance change won’t do much to the strength of the card especially since it majorly gets comboed with evo recruits and specific double-lane decks. Though I would suggest lowering the first hitspeed or damage of the fake barrel goblins to allow the opponent more time to respond since this requires very niche cards to counter it.
Horrible. This card went unnoticed, not because it was strong but because cycle was meta for most of the year. Better evo’s were available there but now suddenly since beatdown is meta it’s overpowered? The same happened with void back a few seasons ago. I suggest reverting this change but instead reducing the area range of the card.
This could go either way. I like the idea though, maybe decrease the medium hp gained since 80% of the game falls under this category anyways and it only buffs the interactions that pekka wins against the tanky units. For example, pekka wins 1v1’s against every tanky unit and gets 2x the amount of hp from it. Make the smaller hp category leak more into medium hp.
Recruits don’t need more dps. Let’s be honest here they actually need less. The 0.5 tile nerf won’t do much for their overall output since they already get positive trades most of the time and even if not, their decks are always built around them.
Evo skeletons do need this nerf but they become the exact same as normal skeletons. As in only 11 interactions with skeletons result in their evolution ability consistently being used. Please remember that this overbalances them and takes away from their spot as a unique evolution.
Baby dragon needed this. You need to remember that air troops always have withdrawals from their stats because they are air troops and a lot of ground troops already do the job pretty well.
Witch is better left alone honestly, especially her splash damage. Last time the devs touched their stats we had the worst meta in history. Remember that witch will be getting an evolution someday and she will most likely spawn 4 evolution skeletons like battle ram does with barbarians currently. If you buff the card now, it’s evolution will be too strong and even if you don’t put evolution skeletons as a spawn for her you’ll be lacking consistencies.
Amazing!! Keep it this way but also give it a 360° splash like it does when it dashes onto a troop or building. This is what dark prince needs especially when it needs to compete with other splash units like baby dragon and witch in these balance changes.
Amazing change, I suggest making egiant’s equal to ram rider though so it still gets pulled in the placement if the opponent places electro-giant on the inner tile of the bridge. So like the old golem glitch but instead make it a real game mechanic, the same goes for cards like golem. Why does royal giant and golem get that to happen but not egiant? Either way, change all cards or only certain ones to keep consistency.
This is a good start, the demolisher was murdered for no reason with the other balance change after the explosion range was nerfed. Nicely done!
Honestly could go either way, it changes alot of interactions for better and worse. (Goblin Machine)
Mighty Miner won’t be too strong in a cycle meta where dart goblin gets an evolution but this change helps tons for future updates. Like evo ice spirit it’ll probably only add up once the meta changes.
Consistency change, that’s all this is honestly, doesn’t change anything much, one thing I noticed is that it fully counters prince at the bridge now if it doesn’t charge. (Mini pekka)
This won’t change much more than evo cannon barrage being able to kill bomber honestly. Might need to rework it to add two separaye barrages that come in 5s apart but nerf the damage output to be 30% of what it is right now. The fact that this ability is a once-off thing makes it super weak, make it atleast kill guards’ shields because tons of interactions are based off of those shielded skeletons.
Honestly, it’s fine, it won’t change many interactions, this feels more like an overall improvement just to see what it does for the game. Other than it making fireballies take one less princess shot to be killed after exploding on them, which does help.
Other than making hypno’s deck better… this won’t do anything much. You can’t really balance duchess without making it broken.
Raise the dps? Too many positive trades on defense.
Raise dagger count too much? Too consistent of a broken ability.
Change hp? Maybe change the hp, that might be a better change if this buff doesn’t fix her being terrible. -
This is a very niche balance change, the rage spell itself is an issue not the lumberjack’s version of it. Balancing the lumberjack won’t do anything because it’s already good. Rework the rage spell itself.
Overall balance changes are good, I just want to say balance changes should be applied on the first or second day of the season every time. Please make sure to do that
The little price needs a rework to be viable again.
I think, the evo PEKKA “rework” makes her evolution pointless. The main reason of her evolution is to counter last minute spam tactic. Against the normal Pekka, you can drop cheap cards at her face and it will save your tower because of the slow attack speed. And thats the part when evolution comes in. You need a bit more calculation than spam at the last minute. Usually the PEKKA can’t make it to the tower, and now nerf when she can get to the tower (we just talk about her evolution). The bonus heal on tanky troops, won’t make the compensation what she will lost with this rework.
The Evolved Ice Spirit is currently in a perfectly balanced state. Its popularity mainly comes from being an effective counter to some of the more overpowered cards, like Evolution PEKKA. I believe Evolution Ice Spirit should remain unchanged.
As for Evolution Skeletons, they shouldn’t lose an additional skeleton. They’ve been relatively weak since their first-hit speed was nerfed in the last balance update (they even lose 1v1 against regular Skeletons). Overall, they are balanced right now, and further nerfs could render the card unviable.