Welcome to the Path of Legends - Biggest Update of the Year!

This is unclear at the moment, it will depend on how ratings evolve through time. If many players reach 7500 trophies and ranked ratings are popular there might be a transition in a few seasons. For now they’ll still be based on Trophy Road trophies

Will the Munk and the Phoenix be boosted to your king tower level when the update drops?

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well no, but what if the clone could be applied to my troops?

What are stats of the new King’s Chest?

So if you haven’t reached 7.5k on ladder, when you win a game you win trophies, and when you lose a game you lose trophies?

You will always win trophies when you win, and lose trophies when you lose. The only thing is that there i a Trophy Floor — which sets the minimum trophies you can have when inside an arena. So let’s say you haven’t reached 7500 trophies and you’re currently at 7300. When you lose games, your trophies will keep on going down. But once you’ve reached 7000 trophies, you won’t be able to lose more trophies anymore and will stay there until you win a game.

I want to know how many trophies I will have when the update drops,
I think 6437,1 (I know it isn’t a whole number)
Can someone confirm??
On witch number is the reset calculated? (I think the PB)

Your highest trophies is 7053, so that will be used for the reset.

Your trophies after reset will be:

5000 + (7053-5000)*(1-.3) = 6437

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So, im gonna be at least 33 lv after the update, does that mean i can access to champs before hitting the required trophies (5500 or smth like that)?

When time (UTC) will the other stuff such as the Hoggy Banks and the QoL changes be announced?

Is the “yes” to the whole comment or just the last part? Between Beniju’s video and Max’s tweet it seems still unclear whether people who end up at level 50 get the last 8 level-up chests or none at all.

Hello, I wanna know, will there still be season resets after 5000 trophies or only will exists in ranked mode? So I can push my trophies without losing them to get Champions in trophy road?

There will be a ONE-TIME season reset on the Trophy Road when the update goes live. After that, there will not be any season reset after this.

However, not having season resets is not the same as not losing trophies. You will still lose trophies when you lose games. There is just a Trophy Floor for each arena — which essentially sets a minimum to the trophies you could lose.

Example: you have won enough games are you are now 6500 trophies. This puts you in a new Arena. You have played more games and are now at 6700 trophies. But then you go on a losing streak and tilted back to 6500 trophies. At this point, even if you lose more games, you will never go below 6500 trophies.

I am seeking further clarification from Supercell about this topic. I know that my answer is different than what was communicated to players by some other people. That’s why this clarification is needed.


Yes, once you have met both of the following conditions, you will have access to Golden Knight and Skeleton King:

  • King Level 33
  • 5500 trophies on the Trophy Road

There are further requirements but other champions. Details on this blog post or see Twitter post:

I’m currently 8700 in the world and on my cup record, will I be left out of the top even if I finish in the top just because of my best season?

Al ser ya lvl 50 podre reclamar los 50 nuevos cofres dela actualización esto me tiene intrigado.

Not sure if it pertains to the topic but I’ll try asking:

What happens to new arena/league boosts? Will they still exist on the new trophy road? What about path of legends? Will we get boosted even with the last trophy road reset?

Can i grind ladder now trying to get a better PB without risking of ending with trash trophies

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If I already have archer queen and mighty miner, will I be able to continue using them after the update even though I will be reset lower than the arena in which you unlock them?